E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Remember Nelson, the guy who played the character Coach? On Glenn Beck he said he was seriously considering telling California and the Feds to go stuff it. He's considering refusing to pay any taxes to either one until they get their heads out of their collective asses and start doing a good job.

What would happen if every conservative did exactly that?

Just wondering. Hmm

Not a Slope, A Cliff

The Conservative Underground on The present Fed situation.

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where a majority of citizens receive lavish government handouts and benefits but pay no federal income taxes, meanwhile voting themselves still more benefits from the shrinking minority who do pay taxes -- at ever more "progressive" rates

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where "universal health care" means waiting months, even years, for urgently needed treatment -- unless you happen to be politically powerful or connected -- and where all your private medical information is on a government database (don't worry: they promise never to use it against you!)

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where "green" ideologues and other nanny-staters dictate what we drive, what we eat, home energy usage, the size of our houses, and even how many children we can have

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where our major industries, crippled by government mandates, taxes, and regulations, end up becoming taxpayer-supported dinosaurs that can no longer compete in the global marketplace

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where all employers will be forced to hire and promote not according to ability but according to race, gender, and ethnicity -- all in the name of "diversity"

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where our once-great centers of finance, industry, culture, and innovation -- from New York to Silicon Valley -- will have gone to seed, while only Washington, D.C., and its environs prosper

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA, in short, where only politicians, government bureaucrats, and their favored constituencies are able to thrive -- and where the only "liberty" that remains is the government's unlimited freedom to control every aspect of your life

I can see it on the horizon, and the not very distant horizon at that. What they don't say is that it's been coming for decades and decades. It started slow when the Civil War squashed states rights and has been gaining momentum ever since. Our government hasn't been truly federalist since. The present slope is so steep that only the blind can't see it, and what's worse is that half the voters foolishly, actually want it to happen.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Stampede Continues

And not just for ammo, but also for concealed carry licenses in Ohio.

The 16,323 regular licenses issues was a whopping 139% increase over the same period a year earlier and was the second quarter in a row that demand more than doubled compared with the prior year.

Over 326 people per work-day picked up a CHL. That's state wide, I believe.

It is estimated that there are now over 142,000 Ohio citizens licensed to carry handguns.

And we're such evil people that carry guns, but . . While no large group of people are perfect, the CHL-holder has proven to be considerably more law-abiding than the population at large.

Now I wonder what the state population happens to be, so I can calculate the percentage.
. . . . .
I just looked it up. The population of Ohio is about 11,500,000. So only 1.2% have a concealed carry license. That's a little over 1 in every 100 people, for the mathematically challenged.

No wonder "blood in the streets" never has happened as predicted. There's not enough of us carrying. Hey fellow Ohioans, you need to step up the pace, . . . you know.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Proud Ownership

We're about to see the results when the largest (probably) US corporation goes belly up. So what good did all our money do for GM? Could've burned it and got the same result. We The People now own a percentage of the worse run US corporation of it's size anywhere. Makes a fellow proud.

2 Guns 2 Loads

One of the surprising things about hand gun shooting is the apparent contradictory facts about bullet speed and weight. When using light fast bullets, a hand gun will shoot lower than with slower heavier bullets. Unless the shooter has arms like legs and maintains a death grip, I've seen this happen over and over.

The opposite is generally true with rifles.

I surmise the reason to be that the faster movers exit the barrel earlier in the motion of recoil. Up until I recently acquired the little PM9, my only 9mm hand gun has been a HiPower. The best grouping load I found for it in those earlier years was a 115 grain at about 1100 feet per second. Those always printed a tad high for me, but after a little while I automatically compensate for it. Installing a tall front sight and adjustable rear didn't solve the problem.

Shooting the PM9 for the first time I used the same ammo that I load for the HiPower, but unfortunately this one shoots low. I just loaded up a few rounds using 125 grainers to experiment with in the PM9. A heavier bullet running slower should bring the impact point up closer to the sights. When I find a bullet/powder/velocity combination that I'm satisfied with that'll be my load for practice and carry in the PM9.

I hope it'll be OK in the HiPower as well, but if history is a good teacher it'll shoot even higher. I might end up with a different 9mm load for each of my 9mm's. That would kinda suck.

Teeth & Claws ???

As I recall former Pres. Carter was a trembling lamb, Clinton a sheep, Bush II a lion, and I just don't remember about Bush I. Now that N.K. has declared an undeclared war on the U.S. we're about to see if Obama has teeth & claws or if he goes baa like most liberals. I suspect the latter.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Congress allows guns in national parks and apparently Obama signed it into law last Friday.

On a beautiful afternoon in the Rose Garden, Obama signed the credit card bill into law. The sun was shining and, as Obama noted, “change is in the air.”

Not a single word was uttered about the newly-signed law also allowing guns to be carried in the nation’s national parks.

I suppose for some this is a victory for liberty, and it is to an extent. But that's only true for those that actually care what the law says when it comes to their personal protection. I have and will continue to carry in places where the law says I can't.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bluff Has Been Called

It's obvious that N.K has has joined Iran in telling the rest of the world to stuff it, maybe even with more gusto. There's been talks and deals. All to the advantage of N.K. and Iran. It's time to quit talking and threatening. They've called the bluff.

It was said that N.K. now has "illegal arms". What the hell does that mean? Who decided and under what authority? Authority is determined by threat of punishment, and usually over the barrel of a gun. Now their gun is as big as anybody else's. All the talk about sanctions and such doesn't mean shit, and they know it.

It's too late to 'negotiate' with N.K. or Iran. When the time is right, in their eyes, Israel and the U.S. will be attacked with nuclear weapons. We need to strike before they strike us, but not nuclear. We need to take out their nuclear facilities. We have the technology, but our government doesn't have the will. Obama has already scaled back the anti-missile program. I'm convinced his arrogance won't let him see a threat until it's way too late.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Projectiles, Soft & Not So Soft

Played some paintball today. The son, his friend, and I went to a scenario game where blue played against red. We were on the red team, and we lost, but that's OK. Win or lose it's a day full of adrenaline rush. This was the smallest "big game" I ever attended. There were something like 200 players by my estimation. These are not the usual sort of game played in short spurts in small areas. This field is about 40 acres of woods and brush, and the game is continuous all day.

If the aches subside I'll sleep like the dead tonight.

When I got home there was a box delivered by UPS that weighted 46 pounds according to the label. I found 1,000 185 grain plated 45acp bullets, 500 plated 115 grain 9mm bullets, 300 Hornady 115 grain 9mm XTP hollow point bullets, and 100 Hornady 240 grain hollow point XTP Mag .452 diameter bullets. They've been on back order for 2 months. Goody, goody. Now I can spend more time playing with my toys.

Oh crap. Still low on small pistol primers.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Did You Say ??

Carrying a concealed handgun is a privilege in Ohio, Say What?

Damn this statement by the attorney general pisses me off. It's not a privilege you pecker -head, it's a right as stated in the state and federal constitution. Not having a law against open carry, does not mean that licensed to carry concealed is a privilege.

How many times have you heard the phrase "permit to carry"? That phrase also pisses me off. If the state documents said "permit" I'd either mark through the word or not bother with the license at all. I do not require or need a permit to do what's a right. Government does not have the authority to "permit" anything, only to restrict/punish. I do not recognize government authority to "permit" anything.

Sticks & Stones

Republicans to Drop Measure Labeling Democrats 'Socialist'

As of late, it would be kinda like calling the kettle black, though it's sure accurate.

Biden Reveals Location of Secret VP Bunker ? ?

Biden could do himself and the rest of the world a big favor simply by keeping his mouth shut. Like super glue his lips together shut.

Obama to Dole More Government Aid to GM, Chrysler

Might as well pile it on the white house lawn and roast some hot dogs. At least then it might accomplish something useful.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

At The Range

I ran about 75 through the Kahr PM9 and 60 through the Keltac P3AT this afternoon at the 25 yard range. Both functioned flawlessly. Unfortunately the guy holding them didn't.

The diminutive P3AT is not intended to be a 25 yard gun, but if I concentrated I could keep about half the shots on a 1/2 sized silouettte target shooting 2 handed. I shoot the Walther PPK and Llama MicroMax a bunch better than that. Neither one are as small nor as light.

I expected to do better with the PM9, and did, but just barely. The ammo was developed for my Hi-Power and shot low. A heavier bullet moving slower may work better in this gun. Load development is going to wait for a time because small pistol primers are very hard to find.

I fired both pistols 2 handed, strong and weak hand. My accuracy was good enough, all 3 ways, for defensive purposes inside 15 yards but not near what I typically do with any of my 1911s.

I'm sure I'll get better with practice because all my pistol shooting has been single action for decades. It'll take me a while to get used to the long trigger pull required of these pistols. At least I think I'll eventually get accustomed to it, though the long stroke is not conducive to good marksmanship. I know that Glocks and the other plastic wonders that have followed are all the rage, but I just don't like them. If it wasn't for their concealed carry advantages, I wouldn't own a pistol with a long trigger stroke.

When moving to the long gun area I was surprised to see the target holders missing. They've been reworking the hill and didn't have them back up yet. Consiquently I didn't get to do any more experimentation with the AR nor get the red dot on the Ishapore carbine sighted in.

I did manage to get the Ishapore adjusted fairly close by shooting at 8" steel plates at 200 yards. I was only able to hit one about 20% of the time. I don't know if that's because of the inaccuracy of the rifle (it's not very accurate), the guy squeezing the trigger, or the lack of proper sight adjustment.

Now that the AR has a spacer behind the flash hider I wanted to check the accuracy with a couple of different brands of ammo. That didn't happen because of the target situation and lack of time. I fired 10 rounds from the standing position using the HoloSite. Seven of the 10 hit the 8" steel plate at 200 yards. That made me feel pretty good, but next time I'll bring my target stand just in case.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Maybe a Glimmer

Within 15 minutes of home there is an indoor range/gun shop, gun shop, sports store that sells guns and a gun shop/shooting supplies store. The latter is where I buy primers and powder. Based on their inventory today there's a glimmer that the demand side of the ammo situation is starting to ease up a little. Primers are still a big issue, especially small pistol primers. The shelves are rather empty. They're rationing all primers to 500 Max per purchase.

Friday, May 15, 2009


There has been more negative crap published this year than I can remember happening with any new presidency in the past. Maybe it's my perspective because I'm opposed to just about all of what has been and is about to be done. And maybe I've grown cynical in my old age, but I'm beginning to wonder. Could some of this be a smoke screen? Could this be part of a strategy to flood us with so much to talk about that we're missing what's going on in the background?

Damn I hope I'm wrong, because if my suspicions hold true, that's scary as all hell.

Is Any Of This True ? ?

By e-mail comes this.

Have you noticed how the CITGO signs have disappeared in the past 7-8 months? A very clever move by Chavez. But guess what, "CITGO" IS CHANGING ITS NAME, too....

This is serious, Americans,...make sure you read this very carefully.

NEWS FLASH:Chavez is NOW getting a Russian Weapons Factory built by Putin. The RUSSIANS are building an AK -47 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle factory in Venezuela , to give armament support to Communist Rebel groups throughout the Americas ... Chavez NOW has IRANIANS operating his oil refineries in Venezuela for him. It is likely only a matter of time, if not already, before Chavez has Iranian built LONG RANGE missiles, with a variety of warhead types aimed at: Guess Who?

CITGO is NOW in the process of Changing Its Name to "PETRO EXPRESS" due to the loss of gasoline sales in the USA ...due to the recent publicity of ownership by Chavez of Venezuela. Every dollar you spend with ''CITGO" or "PETRO EXPRESS" gasoline will be used against you, your basic human rights, and your freedoms.

He will start wars here in the Americas that will probably be the death of millions.. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT because Chavez is starting to feel the loss of revenue from his holdings. HE OWNS "CITGO". This is a very important move that everyone should be aware of.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Some Thoughts

The first priority of any politician is to keep the job and the 'elitism' that goes with it. The RINO now DINO is the big shining sun of proof. If they didn't have the powerful political job, their head might implode back to normal size.

When the people of Europe disagree with the ruling elite, the rulers do it anyway. "The People just don't understand." We're heading toward being another Europe, only more so.

I felt it was going to be bad, but not this bad. We got the government that we deserve, that we voted for. Social-fascism is here, and it'll stay for a while, at least until we regress as a country beyond my recognition. What the government does, The People have a very hard time undoing, by ballot or by force.

Why does the Boss want me to keep so much ammo on hand (1,000 minimum each battle rifle to start)? When the shit hits the fan, we'll have a house full of friends and relatives. We'll be arming anyone capable of shooting a gun. We have water close, and she's looking into long term storage food supplies and electric generator.

If you're old enough, you might remember when the crazies were digging holes in the ground and building fall-out shelters. There were even some that moved to the boonies and built bunkers. The Boss isn't that bad, . . . . yet. The weird thing is, I'm beginning to see her point.

If I should loose my job, doubtful, we'll be moving outta here to a state more liberty friendly. Montana comes to mind. It's probably just a symbol, but they did take a shot across the Fed's bow. I'd sure miss the boys and grand kids, but I really don't see much of a choice. I'd have to move someplace to get a job.

Getting old, up until now, has been a gradual process. In the last year gout and regular arthritis reared their ugly heads. Now I'm feeling old instead of just getting old. Thankfully I can still shoot a gun, though not with the same precision as before. The hand's not as steady nor the eyes as clear.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I just realized that I've talked about my recent acquisitions, but not posted any pictures.
Well . . . . Here ya go.

Kahr PM9, 9mm
Larger and more powerful than the new Keltec, but smaller than my Kimber UltraCarry

The tiny Keltec P3AT, 380acp

Ishapore carbine. The gun isn't new to the stable, but the sight is.

Charter Arms 44 Spcl
Time for a rest. Been spending too much $$ lately.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

No Ammo?

I noticed Ammo prices were on the rise a year or two ago. And now they're even higher and sometimes hard to find, though in my neck of the woods we can still get the most popular, most of the time. It's actually harder to get components for reloading.

This might be why.

Short & Long

The machine shop that I deal with professionally made 2 aluminum spacers for The AR. I can now position the flash hider to maximize accuracy. Moving the mass of the hider changes the harmonics of the barrel. Browning and then Winchester used to market rifles with a movable weight that accomplished the same thing.

My source for a Kahr PM9 at dealer cost has unfortunately failed. He's a low volume dealer and can't get any from his supplier. Makes me wish I would've asked him to get me one last summer when he got the AR for me, before the gun manufacturer's best buddy was elected. I had the money, so I just went ahead and got one at retail. Ouch.

I know have 3 different carry guns to choose from depending on the circumstance. The tiny Keltec .380 that's in my pocket as I type this, the PM9 for when a little larger is OK, and my Kimber UltraCarry that has and will most likely continue to by my main weapon.

I mounted a red dot sight on the Ishapore carbine last week. I'd planned on sighting it in and adjusting the AR flash hider today. Unfortunately mother nature has different ideas. It's way too windy for that, especially the light & little bullets from the AR.

I still need to run some rounds through the PM9 before I start carrying it, and I have some new loads for the Bulldog 44. The new loads should be less stiff than the last ones that were a bit too hot. Maybe tomorrow I can slip away to the indoor range for some short handgun action.

Insulting to Mules

A mule is the symbol of the Demicratic Party. The animal rights people should be complaining all over the place. It's an insult to the mules of the world. They have more nobility than the leaders of the Dems.

The Republican Party is only a little different. The elephants are probably more intelligent.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Go Montana

A state government with big brass ones. At least on one issue, they just told the Feds to stuff it.

The State of Montana has defied the federal government and their gun laws.

The fed now either takes them on and risks them saying the federal agents have no right to violate their state gun laws and arrest the federal agents that try to enforce the federal firearms acts.

If guns and ammunition are manufactured inside the State of Montana for sale and use inside that state then the federal firearms laws have no applicability since the federal government only has the power to control commerce across state lines.

Silencers made in Montana and sold in Montana would be fully legal and not registered.

There would be no firearm registration, serial numbers, criminal records check, waiting periods or paperwork required.

Now that makes my heart swell with pride, and I don't live there. There's actually some federalists left in this country, and as a bonus they actually think the constitution is more than an outdated old piece of paper.

If I owned a company making firearms or any related product I'd sure as hell move to Montana. On a related note, why are firearms manufacturers still in Illinois?

I wonder. . . . Are we one step closer to a physical revolution?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Redneck ?

Yeah, I guess I also qualify.

It means knowing how to fix things when they break.

It means not being helpless outside the modern urban island.

It means knowing the difference between right and wrong; and knowing how to apply my best judgment.

It means knowing that there are things more important than my own comfort and my own skin; and that those things are worth fighting, and dying for.

The decision to reject the collective, for the individual. The decision to be in charge of your own life. The decision to live the way you believe is right.

From The AnarchAngel

And for me at least, being able and willing to thumb my nose at an oppressive government.

Sure It's Not

Stolen from AnarchAngel

Monday, May 4, 2009

Fare Share??

So who decides what a fare share is? I suppose the Obamanation does.

Lessons Not Learned

Over dinner one evening this weekend, the Boss mentioned that in her younger days she had no interest in history, but not now. She's been reading some books, not text books, but personal accounts from people that lived in Germany, Russia and other European countries during and before WWII. She said it's absolutely scarry how our present situation here in the US is so similar to what happened in those contries when personal liberty was squashed by socialist fascism.

I told her that's one reason why I tend to be one issue when it comes to politics. I pay attention to the gun issue in politics because our government, actually any government, must retain some fear of The People. Without that fear our liberties are in great jeopardy, as has been proven time and time again in history.

The Boss then said 'so you are a potential terrorist'. In the eyes of government I suppose I am. I feel no alegience to this or any government. I stand on the side of liberty and personal accountability. I prefer the descriptive word 'patriot'.

We're Back

We're back from our long weekend at Nashville Indiana. We spent the time either chilling at the cabin we rented or visiting all the shops designed to suck money from women. So the Husky and I sat on benches or walls while the Boss spent hours in shops. It was her birthday, so what the hell. It's only money.

I learned that having a pretty Siberian Husky is a nice chick magnet. Even an old fart like me had many women start conversations just because of the dog. Why is it that I'm learning this now, and not 40 years ago when I was single?

We spent most of 2-1/2 days strolling the shops and restaurants. I never once saw a 'no guns' sign. That's a good thing in my estimation. Any place with a sign would've been bypassed by the Boss, and by me and my Kimber.

I did spend some money on myself. I bought a 3" bladed folding knife because my 4" folder is not legal in some states. Actually I really don't care about the legality much, I just happened to like the new knife.

I also got a hat that says something about being an "Old Geezer", and a T-shirt with "Power to the People" and a rifle on the back. The Boss picked out the T-shirt saying 'it's just you'.