E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, May 4, 2009

Lessons Not Learned

Over dinner one evening this weekend, the Boss mentioned that in her younger days she had no interest in history, but not now. She's been reading some books, not text books, but personal accounts from people that lived in Germany, Russia and other European countries during and before WWII. She said it's absolutely scarry how our present situation here in the US is so similar to what happened in those contries when personal liberty was squashed by socialist fascism.

I told her that's one reason why I tend to be one issue when it comes to politics. I pay attention to the gun issue in politics because our government, actually any government, must retain some fear of The People. Without that fear our liberties are in great jeopardy, as has been proven time and time again in history.

The Boss then said 'so you are a potential terrorist'. In the eyes of government I suppose I am. I feel no alegience to this or any government. I stand on the side of liberty and personal accountability. I prefer the descriptive word 'patriot'.

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