E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, April 23, 2023

At the Range - finally

The Boss is doing a lot better. In a few days she'll be cleared to drive a car again, but not ride her horse. If I get caught up around the house a bit, I'll get a chance to ride again. Looks like I found a different riding partner.

Managed to get to the range and checked out the CETME one more time. It runs like a champ with South African MilSurp NATO ammo, but chokes big time with MagTech 7.62x51. I'll be checking out some other NATO designated ammo in the not too distant future. Still have about 600 rounds of the SA stuff on hand. Years ago I bought 2 cases of the stuff.

Took my grand daughters husband to the range with me. He wanted to try out his new carry pistol. He's ex-military and has a very different notion of pistol accuracy than I do. He shot a tight group at 7 yards and bragged. To me, good shooting is hitting a 4 inch target at 25 yards and beyond. I'm rather iffy at 50 yards these days.