E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Some Thoughts

The first priority of any politician is to keep the job and the 'elitism' that goes with it. The RINO now DINO is the big shining sun of proof. If they didn't have the powerful political job, their head might implode back to normal size.

When the people of Europe disagree with the ruling elite, the rulers do it anyway. "The People just don't understand." We're heading toward being another Europe, only more so.

I felt it was going to be bad, but not this bad. We got the government that we deserve, that we voted for. Social-fascism is here, and it'll stay for a while, at least until we regress as a country beyond my recognition. What the government does, The People have a very hard time undoing, by ballot or by force.

Why does the Boss want me to keep so much ammo on hand (1,000 minimum each battle rifle to start)? When the shit hits the fan, we'll have a house full of friends and relatives. We'll be arming anyone capable of shooting a gun. We have water close, and she's looking into long term storage food supplies and electric generator.

If you're old enough, you might remember when the crazies were digging holes in the ground and building fall-out shelters. There were even some that moved to the boonies and built bunkers. The Boss isn't that bad, . . . . yet. The weird thing is, I'm beginning to see her point.

If I should loose my job, doubtful, we'll be moving outta here to a state more liberty friendly. Montana comes to mind. It's probably just a symbol, but they did take a shot across the Fed's bow. I'd sure miss the boys and grand kids, but I really don't see much of a choice. I'd have to move someplace to get a job.

Getting old, up until now, has been a gradual process. In the last year gout and regular arthritis reared their ugly heads. Now I'm feeling old instead of just getting old. Thankfully I can still shoot a gun, though not with the same precision as before. The hand's not as steady nor the eyes as clear.

1 comment:

John said...

Here's hoping you won't have to shoot that gun in self defense, but it's better to have it than not to. The "bad guys" don't know whether or not you have the steadier hand you wish you had.
