I just sent this to my congressman and both senators. I wonder if it will have any effect at all.
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For the last couple of decades the federal government has taken steps to rule the lives of the very citizens that pay their salaries. The government has grown and grown by sucking the fruits of labor from the citizens, and at the same time taken steps to make those same citizens more dependant on government through entitlements and allowing illegal immigration. The government now wants to control everything.
Entitlements reward the unsuccessful and punish hard workers. Income taxes that are intended to shift the burden towards those that can more afford it do exactly the same thing. Graduated income taxes and entitlement programs do not help anyone but the lazy. They tend to kill individual ambition, and therefore actually hurt our society.
The people of the EU have social programs and business restrictions that our federal government seems to be striving to attain. Our economy and quality of life long ago surpassed that found in the EU, and not in spite of past small government but because of it. Societies with large controlling governments have consistently failed throughout history, and are doing so today. Socialism, or its close cousin communism, as well as fascism have and will always fall behind progress and quality of life that is the result of capitalism. When left alone, free from government meddling, capitalism and the free market has been and will always be self correcting. Sometimes businesses MUST fail for the good of all.
Our healthcare “system” is not broke. It is not a system in the true sense. If I recall my history correctly what we have today is the unintended consequences of past federal meddling. At one time there was a nationwide pay freeze. The only way for business to entice new employees was to offer benefits other than pay. Since employees didn’t immediately see the actual cost of office visits and other services they increasingly took advantage and the demand increased. As demand increases, so does cost when the supply stays relatively constant. And medical schools have certainly done their best to keep the supply down. To decrease the cost of healthcare, put the spending control directly in the hands of those that use it.
If the federal government gets involved in healthcare or any other private business there’s no doubt quality will suffer because the competition will be killed. Independent business in this industry can not compete against an entity that does not even need to break even. It can always just suck more money from the taxpayers. People travel here from other countries and Canada has black market clinics for a reason.
If I ran my personal business like the federal government is running the country, I’d be living in a cardboard box by now. In fact if the government continues on its present course, that may actually happen to me and especially my children. The taxes I’m expected to pay are rising regardless what anyone says, and there’s inflation on the way that will make us wish for the Carter years.
There are federal bills that reportedly raise taxes in a very underhanded way. The taxes are on businesses that will either destroy the business or be passed on down to the consumer. We’re not all stupid you know. I can not afford it. I’ve already lowered my lifestyle by cutting spending. I haven’t had a pay increase in 14 months, and I’m told that there won’t be any increases for another 12 months. With the increasing cost of living I’m effectively getting a cut in pay, and I’m supposed to pay more taxes so the government can spend more?
A year and a half ago I was on track to be able to retire at the age of 70 without any government entitlements. That was planned because I know my FICA is actually paying for the older generation because of government actions, and there’s not enough younger to pay mine. The government meddling in the mortgage market with the following collapse of the world economy has put a spike in those plans. Now I’ll be working as long as I can or until I die, which ever comes first. And that’s because government can’t leave things alone. The more government gets involved, the worse it gets.
In the colonial days a small percentage of subjects decided they had enough of being controlled by an oppressive government. A few brave men, with help from the French, revolted and formed a new country composed of citizens and a limited government. That government has become ever more controlling since. We’ve reached a point where the federal government is becoming oppressive again.
I cannot and will not vote for anyone that supports new and/or increasing entitlement programs, increasing any taxes, increasing spending, promotes government intervention and/or control of any private sector business in any manner. If you want my vote then keep government out of our lives. Stop social engineering. Reduce spending. Leave private businesses alone. Reduce taxes. Stay out of the economy and let it work. Stop borrowing and printing more money. We’re already so far in the hole that I can’t see the top. Reduce federal agencies. They’re just an underhanded form of fascism. Ignore global warming. It’s a lie. The constitution is not a living document. It’s a contract between The People and the government, and the government has been breaching that contract. The second amendment is not about sport or hunting.
The Republican Party did not loose so many elections because The Democratic Party was a better choice. That happened because The People have developed an overall dislike of our government in general. Both parties have shifted left. The hope was that a change, any change, would be better. That has proved to be a false hope. The People are at a low boil. Turn down the heat.
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Here's one response. 7/1/09
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Thank you for expressing your concerns over government spending.I support the targeted spending contained in the recently passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Fiscal Year 2009 Omnibus Appropriations bill.
It is crucial that we get money into the pockets of Americans. We are facing an economic crisis the likes of which has not been seen in decades. Americans are in desperate need of jobs. The recently passed spending bills will create or protect millions of jobs. When individuals have jobs, they can then spend money and help spur our capitalist economy.
However, I agree with you that the government has a responsibility to address the ballooning federal deficit. When President Bush began his first term, he inherited a federal budget surplus of $236 billion from President Clinton. President Obama inherited a nearly $1.3 trillion budget deficit from President Bush. The national debt stood at $5.8 trillion when President Bush took office, and now it is close to $12 trillion. I support President Obama's goal to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term.
If you have specific suggestions or thoughts on how to improve our economy, I would be glad to hear them.
Thank you again for being in touch with my office.
Sherrod Brown
United States Senator
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I have serious doubts that Brown saw what I sent. I'm sure a staff member sent a predetermined reply.
Clinton's surplus was mostly due to large cuts in defense spending and book keeping games. Ever heard of 9/11? The other deficite spending was largely the result of 9/11.
Spending our way out of the "great depression" did not work then. What makes anyone think it will work now?
Reducing the deficite will require increased taxes, because spending will obviously not decrease, and that actually takes money out of peoples pockets.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
By Myself
It's Sunday afternoon, and nobody home but Amber (Siberian Husky) and me. Thought I'd take a break from preparing cartridges for reloading.
I had originally planned on going to the outdoor range yesterday with my youngest son, but we postponed the trip due to the environment. Neither one of us have much tolerance for 90F temperatures and high humidity. I spent the afternoon sitting in the garage with the Boss, in front of a fan, keeping her company while the garage sale was going on. I mostly sat and read a book with a .45 on my hip, keeping an eye out for any goblin who might think she was easy prey. That's where I belonged anyway.
Had thought I'd go today but the Boss has my truck helping one of the daughter-in-laws. I could take her car, but it's a bit inconvenient with long guns, especially with as many as I usually take. That's OK. Next weekend is the 4th, and what better way to spend one of those days than at the range... Besides, being at the house by myself gives me a chance to load some more ammo.
I had originally planned on going to the outdoor range yesterday with my youngest son, but we postponed the trip due to the environment. Neither one of us have much tolerance for 90F temperatures and high humidity. I spent the afternoon sitting in the garage with the Boss, in front of a fan, keeping her company while the garage sale was going on. I mostly sat and read a book with a .45 on my hip, keeping an eye out for any goblin who might think she was easy prey. That's where I belonged anyway.
Had thought I'd go today but the Boss has my truck helping one of the daughter-in-laws. I could take her car, but it's a bit inconvenient with long guns, especially with as many as I usually take. That's OK. Next weekend is the 4th, and what better way to spend one of those days than at the range... Besides, being at the house by myself gives me a chance to load some more ammo.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Suggestions Welcome
I just sent this e-mail to James.
I know you've spent years helping the financially strapped and elderly with training using handguns. I was wondering if you have a suggestion as to which type and cartridge we should try for the Boss.
Several years ago arthritis attacked her laft hand to the point of required surgery. A small bone in her left wrist was removed where the long bone from the thumb is attached. To keep the end of the now detatched thumb bone in place, tendons were used to attach it to other bones in her hand. The result is a very weak grip, without the hand strength to rack the slide of any semi-auto handgun. That was her left hand. She's right handed.
A few months ago she had the same surgery on her right hand, and now she wants to get trained for concealed carry. The right hand seems to be fairly well healed and we'll be trying a 22 revolver in the next couple of weeks to see how it feels. If that works out OK, we'll be moving on to something higher in power.
Have you had any experience with training someone that's had this surgery, or something that weakens the thumb connection? I'm looking for suggestions as to how to proceed and the type of weapon we might try.
Always open to suggestions.
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Here's what James had to say.
Thank you kindly for taking the time to write. I'll try my best.
Like you, I think it is important to first make sure that she isn't feeling undue pain while using a handgun. It is unfortunate, but if it is too uncomfortable then she might be forced to forgo arming herself altogether.
If the option for armed self defense is still open, then I agree that a revolver might be her best bet. This hinges on her arthritis allowing her to handle something as small as individual cartridges during a reload, though. If she can reload using single rounds, or with a speedloader, then that is probably the way to go.
My first elderly student suffered from an advanced case of arthritis and reduced hand mobility. We discovered that there are still a few autoloader choices that can be tracked down which might be suitable for someone in your wife's position.
Please note that this is just something on the table, and it isn't something I'm actually pushing over the revolver idea. Besides, it would be a pain to track one of those little Beretta's down since the company discontinued the line about 15 years ago.
Anyway, good luck! Let me know how everything turns out.
And yes folks, there are still very many good people in the world.
I know you've spent years helping the financially strapped and elderly with training using handguns. I was wondering if you have a suggestion as to which type and cartridge we should try for the Boss.
Several years ago arthritis attacked her laft hand to the point of required surgery. A small bone in her left wrist was removed where the long bone from the thumb is attached. To keep the end of the now detatched thumb bone in place, tendons were used to attach it to other bones in her hand. The result is a very weak grip, without the hand strength to rack the slide of any semi-auto handgun. That was her left hand. She's right handed.
A few months ago she had the same surgery on her right hand, and now she wants to get trained for concealed carry. The right hand seems to be fairly well healed and we'll be trying a 22 revolver in the next couple of weeks to see how it feels. If that works out OK, we'll be moving on to something higher in power.
Have you had any experience with training someone that's had this surgery, or something that weakens the thumb connection? I'm looking for suggestions as to how to proceed and the type of weapon we might try.
Always open to suggestions.
- - - - - -
Here's what James had to say.
Thank you kindly for taking the time to write. I'll try my best.
Like you, I think it is important to first make sure that she isn't feeling undue pain while using a handgun. It is unfortunate, but if it is too uncomfortable then she might be forced to forgo arming herself altogether.
If the option for armed self defense is still open, then I agree that a revolver might be her best bet. This hinges on her arthritis allowing her to handle something as small as individual cartridges during a reload, though. If she can reload using single rounds, or with a speedloader, then that is probably the way to go.
My first elderly student suffered from an advanced case of arthritis and reduced hand mobility. We discovered that there are still a few autoloader choices that can be tracked down which might be suitable for someone in your wife's position.
Please note that this is just something on the table, and it isn't something I'm actually pushing over the revolver idea. Besides, it would be a pain to track one of those little Beretta's down since the company discontinued the line about 15 years ago.
Anyway, good luck! Let me know how everything turns out.
And yes folks, there are still very many good people in the world.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Some Fine Writing
Put them together, the ability to own a gun and the ability to congregate or otherwise freely go about your life about town, and there are going to be situations, ones that are so extremely rare that they're still newsworthy every time they happen, where someone who really doesn't deserve it is shot and killed by someone with a mere predilection toward violence. You cannot have the Bill of Rights and not have the possibility for this to happen. Freedom isn't free.
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Turning to those of us remaining; that wise old sage in a controlled but stern voice said: "Gentleman, your world is going to change. I know most of you hunt. I doubt there is anyone here that doesn’t own a firearm. The day is coming when the Federal government is going to try and disarm you. I won’t see it, but you will. Mark my words and be on your guard, the Second Amendment is the only thing standing between you and the suffering you can’t comprehend. Class is dismissed."
What changed was not us but the state with its support from those statists, conservatives and progressives who fostered continuing, never-ending oppression, seeking to place all human activity under political control.
- - - - - - - -
Turning to those of us remaining; that wise old sage in a controlled but stern voice said: "Gentleman, your world is going to change. I know most of you hunt. I doubt there is anyone here that doesn’t own a firearm. The day is coming when the Federal government is going to try and disarm you. I won’t see it, but you will. Mark my words and be on your guard, the Second Amendment is the only thing standing between you and the suffering you can’t comprehend. Class is dismissed."
What changed was not us but the state with its support from those statists, conservatives and progressives who fostered continuing, never-ending oppression, seeking to place all human activity under political control.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Frank - At It Again
Back when the housing mania was taking off, Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank famously said he wanted Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to "roll the dice" in the name of affordable housing.
Fannie and Freddie have already lost tens of billions of dollars betting on the mortgage market -- with that bill being handed to taxpayers. They face still more losses going forward, because in the wake of their nationalization last year their new "mission" has become to do whatever it takes to prop up the housing market. The last thing they need is lawmakers like Mr. Frank, who did so much to lay the groundwork for their collapse, telling them to play faster and looser with their lending standards.
And now he is returning to the scene of the calamity -- with your money. He and New York Representative Anthony Weiner have sent a letter to the heads of Fannie and Freddie exhorting them to lower lending standards for condo buyers.
Last night I saw part of an interview with Frank where he said he was totally against the Bush administration's policy of supporting those same stupid loans. So which Frank are we to believe?
You can tell a politician is lying when you see his lips move.
Fannie and Freddie have already lost tens of billions of dollars betting on the mortgage market -- with that bill being handed to taxpayers. They face still more losses going forward, because in the wake of their nationalization last year their new "mission" has become to do whatever it takes to prop up the housing market. The last thing they need is lawmakers like Mr. Frank, who did so much to lay the groundwork for their collapse, telling them to play faster and looser with their lending standards.
And now he is returning to the scene of the calamity -- with your money. He and New York Representative Anthony Weiner have sent a letter to the heads of Fannie and Freddie exhorting them to lower lending standards for condo buyers.
Last night I saw part of an interview with Frank where he said he was totally against the Bush administration's policy of supporting those same stupid loans. So which Frank are we to believe?
You can tell a politician is lying when you see his lips move.
That Explains a Few Things
Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law - Regards the 2008 presidential election.
Number of States won by: Democrats: 19 Republicans: 29
Square miles of land won by: Democrats: 580,000 Republicans: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Democrats: 127 million Republicans: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Democrats: 13.2
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Republicans: 2.1
"In aggregate, the map of the territory Republicans won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country. Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."
Number of States won by: Democrats: 19 Republicans: 29
Square miles of land won by: Democrats: 580,000 Republicans: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Democrats: 127 million Republicans: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Democrats: 13.2
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Republicans: 2.1
"In aggregate, the map of the territory Republicans won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country. Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."
Monday, June 22, 2009
Collecting Eggs
Tonight was the first night of a new series of bible studies the Boss is involved in. She's one of the participents and volunteered our house for the meetings. We have the most room for that sort of thing. I counted 11 women in the living room. Talk about being out numbered! I hid in the armory/work-room sorting brass.
Towards the end I heard a lot of laughter. After they left I went to collect eggs, but couldn't find any.
Towards the end I heard a lot of laughter. After they left I went to collect eggs, but couldn't find any.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Two Weeks
In the movie Money Pitt there was a general contractor who continually replied "two weeks" every time he was asked how long it will take. Naturally it was closer to 2 months.
Two weeks ago today I left my HiPower for repair. He's to install a dove tailed front site instead of the staked version that came loose. The gunsmith said 2 weeks.
Two weeks ago today I left my HiPower for repair. He's to install a dove tailed front site instead of the staked version that came loose. The gunsmith said 2 weeks.
Natural Correction
There are some signs that the free fall into a depression is slowing a bit. I'm sure that when we hit bottom and stabilize, that Obama & company will be right up front taking credit for turning things around with the 'stimulus' spending. And false credit it will be, since 80-90% of the money is yet to be spent. What we're seeing is the natural correction. Unfortunately history has shown that trying to spend our way back actually prolongs depressions/recessions. I guess our government officials never attended history class in school.
It's been said that good thing comes to those that wait. In this case I doubt it's all that good, but the loons sure are taking advantage of the situation. They're progressing towards a total remake of our country, and they have great big grins on their faces as they spend, legislate and regulate the 'last hope for freedom' right out of existence.
I wonder if they'll take credit for the massive inflation that's just around the corner. Oh, wait, that'll be the fault of the previous administration.
It's been said that good thing comes to those that wait. In this case I doubt it's all that good, but the loons sure are taking advantage of the situation. They're progressing towards a total remake of our country, and they have great big grins on their faces as they spend, legislate and regulate the 'last hope for freedom' right out of existence.
I wonder if they'll take credit for the massive inflation that's just around the corner. Oh, wait, that'll be the fault of the previous administration.
Got The Spine ?
Last night I told the Boss that if peaceful demonstrations were met with violence like in Iran, happened here, there'd be a lot more blood shed. My thought was that since we're an armed populace, we'd fight back with more than words. That might've been wishful thinking on my part because it assumes that we've still got the spine to fight for our liberty.
Iran like most Muslim countries consist of mostly people under the age of thirty. Younger people across the world are the most likely to be aggressive, to have the energy to stand up on their hind legs and shout their positions on anything. We here in the USA on the other hand are an aging society that's grown soft and complacent. We've grown up with the 'things' and the liberty that most societies just wish for. Our population isn't 70% young and energetic. Just the opposite.
What young we have don't appreciate our liberties. They've been educated by the socialists since they control the schools. Our young don't understand liberty, or the lack of liberty. Most are actually wishing for the opposite. Like the loons on Washington, they're in general agreement with socialism, Marxism and fascism. They want a big nanny to take care of them.
If we want to maintain our country, our liberty, then it's up to the old farts like me. My children are grown and capable of taking care of themselves. It's just me and the Boss who shares my views on most things. If there happens to be demonstrations against government in the local streets, I'd be there. I'd happily carry a sign of dissent. And if the fascist goons should take a swing at me with a club . . . . . there would be more than clubs flying.
Iran like most Muslim countries consist of mostly people under the age of thirty. Younger people across the world are the most likely to be aggressive, to have the energy to stand up on their hind legs and shout their positions on anything. We here in the USA on the other hand are an aging society that's grown soft and complacent. We've grown up with the 'things' and the liberty that most societies just wish for. Our population isn't 70% young and energetic. Just the opposite.
What young we have don't appreciate our liberties. They've been educated by the socialists since they control the schools. Our young don't understand liberty, or the lack of liberty. Most are actually wishing for the opposite. Like the loons on Washington, they're in general agreement with socialism, Marxism and fascism. They want a big nanny to take care of them.
If we want to maintain our country, our liberty, then it's up to the old farts like me. My children are grown and capable of taking care of themselves. It's just me and the Boss who shares my views on most things. If there happens to be demonstrations against government in the local streets, I'd be there. I'd happily carry a sign of dissent. And if the fascist goons should take a swing at me with a club . . . . . there would be more than clubs flying.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Too good not to share.
"Too many Americans grew tired of being thought to be dumb by the rest of the world,so they went to the polls and removed all doubt."
"Too many Americans grew tired of being thought to be dumb by the rest of the world,so they went to the polls and removed all doubt."
An Enemy of the State? or a True American
From the Glenn Beck show 6/16/09.
And no it wasn't Beck saying this.
Well, these are briefly my views and issues for which I seek representation:
One, illegal immigration. I want you to stop coddling illegal immigrants and secure our borders. Close the underground tunnels. Stop the violence and the trafficking in drugs and people. No amnesty, not again. Been there, done that, no resolution. P.S., I'm not a racist. This isn't to be confused with legal immigration.
Two, the TARP bill, I want it repealed and I want no further funding supplied to it. We told you no, but you did it anyway. I want the remaining unfunded 95% repealed. Freeze, repeal.
Three: Czars, I want the circumvention of our checks and balances stopped immediately. Fire the czars. No more czars. Government officials answer to the process, not to the president. Stop trampling on our Constitution and honor it.
Four, cap and trade. The debate on global warming is not over. There is more to say.
Five, universal healthcare. I will not be rushed into another expensive decision. Don't you dare try to pass this in the middle of the night and then go on break. Slow down!
Six, growing government control. I want states rights and sovereignty fully restored. I want less government in my life, not more. Shrink it down. Mind your own business. You have enough to take care of with your real obligations. Why don't you start there.
Seven, ACORN. I do not want ACORN and its affiliates in charge of our 2010 census. I want them investigated. I also do not want mandatory escrow fees contributed to them every time on every real estate deal that closes. Stop the funding to ACORN and its affiliates pending impartial audits and investigations. I do not trust them with taking the census over with our taxpayer money. I don't trust them with our taxpayer money. Face up to the allegations against them and get it resolved before taxpayers get any more involved with them. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, hello. Stop protecting your political buddies. You work for us, the people. Investigate.
Eight, redistribution of wealth. No, no, no. I work for my money. It is mine. I have always worked for people with more money than I have because they gave me jobs. That is the only redistribution of wealth that I will support. I never got a job from a poor person. Why do you want me to hate my employers? Why ‑‑ what do you have against shareholders making a profit?
Nine, charitable contributions. Although I never got a job from a poor person, I have helped many in need. Charity belongs in our local communities, where we know our needs best and can use our local talent and our local resources. Butt out, please. We want to do it ourselves.
Ten, corporate bailouts. Knock it off. Sink or swim like the rest of us. If there are hard times ahead, we'll be better off just getting into it and letting the strong survive. Quick and painful. Have you ever ripped off a Band‑Aid? We will pull together. Great things happen in America under great hardship. Give us the chance to innovate. We cannot disappoint you more than you have disappointed us.
Eleven, transparency and accountability. How about it? No, really, how about it? Let's have it. Let's say we give the buzzwords a rest and have some straight honest talk. Please try ‑‑ please stop manipulating and trying to appease me with clever wording. I am not the idiot you obviously take me for. Stop sneaking around and meeting in back rooms making deals with your friends. It will only be a prelude to your criminal investigation. Stop hiding things from me.
Twelve, unprecedented quick spending. Stop it now.
Take a breath. Listen to the people. Let's just slow down and get some input from some nonpoliticians on the subject. Stop making everything an emergency. Stop speed reading our bills into law. I am not an activist. I am not a community organizer. Nor am I a terrorist, a militant or a violent person. I am a parent and a grandparent. I work. I'm busy. I'm busy. I am busy, and I am tired. I thought we elected competent people to take care of the business of government so that we could work, raise our families, pay our bills, have a little recreation, complain about taxes, endure our hardships, pursue our personal goals, cut our lawn, wash our cars on the weekends and be responsible contributing members of society and teach our children to be the same all while living in the home of the free and land of the brave.
I entrusted you with upholding the Constitution. I believed in the checks and balances to keep from getting far off course. What happened? You are very far off course. Do you really think I find humor in the hiring of a speed reader to unintelligently ramble all through a bill that you signed into law without knowing what it contained? I do not. It is a mockery of the responsibility I have entrusted to you. It is a slap in the face. I am not laughing at your arrogance. Why is it that I feel as if you would not trust me to make a single decision about my own life and how I would live it but you should expect that I should trust you with the debt that you have laid on all of us and our children. We did not want the TARP bill. We said no. We would repeal it if we could. I am sure that we still cannot. There is such urgency and recklessness in all of the recent spending.
From my perspective, it seems that all of you have gone insane. I also know that I am far from alone in these feelings. Do you honestly feel that your current pursuits have merit to patriotic Americans? We want it to stop. We want to put the brakes on everything that is being rushed by us and forced upon us. We want our voice back. You have forced us to put our lives on hold to straighten out the mess that you are making. We will have to give up our vacations, our time spent with our children, any relaxation time we may have had and money we cannot afford to spend on you to bring our concerns to Washington. Our president often knows all the right buzzword is unsustainable. Well, no kidding. How many tens of thousands of dollars did the focus group cost to come up with that word? We don't want your overpriced words. Stop treating us like we're morons.
We want all of you to stop focusing on your reelection and do the job we want done, not the job you want done or the job your party wants done. You work for us and at this rate I guarantee you not for long because we are coming. We will be heard and we will be represented. You think we're so busy with our lives that we will never come for you? We are the formerly silent majority, all of us who quietly work , pay taxes, obey the law, vote, save money, keep our noses to the grindstone and we are now looking up at you. You have awakened us, the patriotic spirit so strong and so powerful that it had been sleeping too long. You have pushed us too far. Our numbers are great. They may surprise you. For every one of us who will be there, there will be hundreds more that could not come. Unlike you, we have their trust. We will represent them honestly, rest assured. They will be at the polls on voting day to usher you out of office. We have cancelled vacations. We will use our last few dollars saved. We will find the representation among us and a grassroots campaign will flourish. We didn't ask for this fight. But the gloves are coming off. We do not come in violence, but we are angry. You will represent us or you will be replaced with someone who will. There are candidates among us when he will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes that you have made of our constitution.
Democrat, Republican, independent, libertarian. Understand this. We don't care. Political parties are meaningless to us. Patriotic Americans are willing to do right by us and our Constitution and that is all that matters to us now. We are going to fire all of you who abuse power and seek more. It is not your power. It is ours and we want it back. We entrusted you with it and you abused it. You are dishonorable. You are dishonest. As Americans we are ashamed of you. You have brought shame to us. If you are not representing the wants and needs of your constituency loudly and consistently, in spite of the objections of your party, you will be fired. Did you hear? We no longer care about your political parties. You need to be loyal to us, not to them. Because we will get you fired and they will not save you. If you do or can represent me, my issues, my views, please stand up. Make your identity known. You need to make some noise about it. Speak up. I need to know who you are. If you do not speak up, you will be herded out with the rest of the sheep and we will replace the whole damn congress if need be one by one. We are coming. Are we coming for you? Who do you represent? What do you represent? Listen. Because we are coming. We the people are coming.
And no it wasn't Beck saying this.
Well, these are briefly my views and issues for which I seek representation:
One, illegal immigration. I want you to stop coddling illegal immigrants and secure our borders. Close the underground tunnels. Stop the violence and the trafficking in drugs and people. No amnesty, not again. Been there, done that, no resolution. P.S., I'm not a racist. This isn't to be confused with legal immigration.
Two, the TARP bill, I want it repealed and I want no further funding supplied to it. We told you no, but you did it anyway. I want the remaining unfunded 95% repealed. Freeze, repeal.
Three: Czars, I want the circumvention of our checks and balances stopped immediately. Fire the czars. No more czars. Government officials answer to the process, not to the president. Stop trampling on our Constitution and honor it.
Four, cap and trade. The debate on global warming is not over. There is more to say.
Five, universal healthcare. I will not be rushed into another expensive decision. Don't you dare try to pass this in the middle of the night and then go on break. Slow down!
Six, growing government control. I want states rights and sovereignty fully restored. I want less government in my life, not more. Shrink it down. Mind your own business. You have enough to take care of with your real obligations. Why don't you start there.
Seven, ACORN. I do not want ACORN and its affiliates in charge of our 2010 census. I want them investigated. I also do not want mandatory escrow fees contributed to them every time on every real estate deal that closes. Stop the funding to ACORN and its affiliates pending impartial audits and investigations. I do not trust them with taking the census over with our taxpayer money. I don't trust them with our taxpayer money. Face up to the allegations against them and get it resolved before taxpayers get any more involved with them. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, hello. Stop protecting your political buddies. You work for us, the people. Investigate.
Eight, redistribution of wealth. No, no, no. I work for my money. It is mine. I have always worked for people with more money than I have because they gave me jobs. That is the only redistribution of wealth that I will support. I never got a job from a poor person. Why do you want me to hate my employers? Why ‑‑ what do you have against shareholders making a profit?
Nine, charitable contributions. Although I never got a job from a poor person, I have helped many in need. Charity belongs in our local communities, where we know our needs best and can use our local talent and our local resources. Butt out, please. We want to do it ourselves.
Ten, corporate bailouts. Knock it off. Sink or swim like the rest of us. If there are hard times ahead, we'll be better off just getting into it and letting the strong survive. Quick and painful. Have you ever ripped off a Band‑Aid? We will pull together. Great things happen in America under great hardship. Give us the chance to innovate. We cannot disappoint you more than you have disappointed us.
Eleven, transparency and accountability. How about it? No, really, how about it? Let's have it. Let's say we give the buzzwords a rest and have some straight honest talk. Please try ‑‑ please stop manipulating and trying to appease me with clever wording. I am not the idiot you obviously take me for. Stop sneaking around and meeting in back rooms making deals with your friends. It will only be a prelude to your criminal investigation. Stop hiding things from me.
Twelve, unprecedented quick spending. Stop it now.
Take a breath. Listen to the people. Let's just slow down and get some input from some nonpoliticians on the subject. Stop making everything an emergency. Stop speed reading our bills into law. I am not an activist. I am not a community organizer. Nor am I a terrorist, a militant or a violent person. I am a parent and a grandparent. I work. I'm busy. I'm busy. I am busy, and I am tired. I thought we elected competent people to take care of the business of government so that we could work, raise our families, pay our bills, have a little recreation, complain about taxes, endure our hardships, pursue our personal goals, cut our lawn, wash our cars on the weekends and be responsible contributing members of society and teach our children to be the same all while living in the home of the free and land of the brave.
I entrusted you with upholding the Constitution. I believed in the checks and balances to keep from getting far off course. What happened? You are very far off course. Do you really think I find humor in the hiring of a speed reader to unintelligently ramble all through a bill that you signed into law without knowing what it contained? I do not. It is a mockery of the responsibility I have entrusted to you. It is a slap in the face. I am not laughing at your arrogance. Why is it that I feel as if you would not trust me to make a single decision about my own life and how I would live it but you should expect that I should trust you with the debt that you have laid on all of us and our children. We did not want the TARP bill. We said no. We would repeal it if we could. I am sure that we still cannot. There is such urgency and recklessness in all of the recent spending.
From my perspective, it seems that all of you have gone insane. I also know that I am far from alone in these feelings. Do you honestly feel that your current pursuits have merit to patriotic Americans? We want it to stop. We want to put the brakes on everything that is being rushed by us and forced upon us. We want our voice back. You have forced us to put our lives on hold to straighten out the mess that you are making. We will have to give up our vacations, our time spent with our children, any relaxation time we may have had and money we cannot afford to spend on you to bring our concerns to Washington. Our president often knows all the right buzzword is unsustainable. Well, no kidding. How many tens of thousands of dollars did the focus group cost to come up with that word? We don't want your overpriced words. Stop treating us like we're morons.
We want all of you to stop focusing on your reelection and do the job we want done, not the job you want done or the job your party wants done. You work for us and at this rate I guarantee you not for long because we are coming. We will be heard and we will be represented. You think we're so busy with our lives that we will never come for you? We are the formerly silent majority, all of us who quietly work , pay taxes, obey the law, vote, save money, keep our noses to the grindstone and we are now looking up at you. You have awakened us, the patriotic spirit so strong and so powerful that it had been sleeping too long. You have pushed us too far. Our numbers are great. They may surprise you. For every one of us who will be there, there will be hundreds more that could not come. Unlike you, we have their trust. We will represent them honestly, rest assured. They will be at the polls on voting day to usher you out of office. We have cancelled vacations. We will use our last few dollars saved. We will find the representation among us and a grassroots campaign will flourish. We didn't ask for this fight. But the gloves are coming off. We do not come in violence, but we are angry. You will represent us or you will be replaced with someone who will. There are candidates among us when he will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes that you have made of our constitution.
Democrat, Republican, independent, libertarian. Understand this. We don't care. Political parties are meaningless to us. Patriotic Americans are willing to do right by us and our Constitution and that is all that matters to us now. We are going to fire all of you who abuse power and seek more. It is not your power. It is ours and we want it back. We entrusted you with it and you abused it. You are dishonorable. You are dishonest. As Americans we are ashamed of you. You have brought shame to us. If you are not representing the wants and needs of your constituency loudly and consistently, in spite of the objections of your party, you will be fired. Did you hear? We no longer care about your political parties. You need to be loyal to us, not to them. Because we will get you fired and they will not save you. If you do or can represent me, my issues, my views, please stand up. Make your identity known. You need to make some noise about it. Speak up. I need to know who you are. If you do not speak up, you will be herded out with the rest of the sheep and we will replace the whole damn congress if need be one by one. We are coming. Are we coming for you? Who do you represent? What do you represent? Listen. Because we are coming. We the people are coming.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Kill The Competition
Government controlled business is in effect unfair business practice. A business, regardless of size must be allowed to prosper or fail on its own. That's how capitalism works, and it's by far the best economic system in the world. When left alone, competition breeds the best solutions at the least cost. When government gets involved, competition is killed with the resulting poor product at increased cost.
This conclusion doesn't require a degree in economics. All that's needed is some observation. Fascism, communism and socialism are still present in the world today. A lot of those countries have failed economically, and the others have been left in the dust by capitalist societies. At one time the USA was leaving the rest of the world in our economic wake. Today other countries are catching up, and fast. China has grown economically partially due to low wages, but mostly because their government has allowed more capitalism. India may pass us in the very near future because of their governments hands-off capitalist approach.
Competition is a good thing. In the early 1970s the Big Three were making junk at a high price. The Japanese cars arrived with good quality at a lower price, and have been taking market share ever since. That was a good thing. If it wasn't for that competition we'd have a choice of only American made junk at astromical prices. The increased quality and more reasonable prices of the Big Three was a direct result of competition.
Any government controlled business has a big advantage. That business has no trouble making a profit for the ownership because, profit isn't necessary. It can literally undercut any competition because the taxpayer, through big government, will always pump in more money. The result is no competition which eventually means poor product because it doesn't have any reason to produce a good product. So what we end up with is a poor product at a high cost.
You think government health care is a good thing? All you have to do is talk to the subjects of most of Europe, Great Brittan or even Canada. There's a reason that those who can, come here for their health needs. There's a reason that Canada has black market clinics.
The reason we have high health care costs is mostly because the cost is insulated from the consumer. If it only costs $10-$20 for an office visit or test, why not have it done? Who cares? The doctor needs high traffic to pay for all the clerical work that's required due to insurance, so he's likely to recommend more than is required. Who cares? The consumer doesn't feel the pinch, not directly anyway. If the only health insurance available was major medical, the per person health care cost would drop dramatically.
Government health care will kill the competition, lower the quality of the product and increase the cost. That's happened every where else. I don't see a reason it won't happen here as well.
Despite what they say, it's not about fixing anything. Fixing something is the last thing politicians want to do. That would put them out of a job. To keep their jobs and maintain power they must say they're going to fix something, then not fix it. "Sorry, we'll do better next time". It's amazing how many buy into this BS.
This conclusion doesn't require a degree in economics. All that's needed is some observation. Fascism, communism and socialism are still present in the world today. A lot of those countries have failed economically, and the others have been left in the dust by capitalist societies. At one time the USA was leaving the rest of the world in our economic wake. Today other countries are catching up, and fast. China has grown economically partially due to low wages, but mostly because their government has allowed more capitalism. India may pass us in the very near future because of their governments hands-off capitalist approach.
Competition is a good thing. In the early 1970s the Big Three were making junk at a high price. The Japanese cars arrived with good quality at a lower price, and have been taking market share ever since. That was a good thing. If it wasn't for that competition we'd have a choice of only American made junk at astromical prices. The increased quality and more reasonable prices of the Big Three was a direct result of competition.
Any government controlled business has a big advantage. That business has no trouble making a profit for the ownership because, profit isn't necessary. It can literally undercut any competition because the taxpayer, through big government, will always pump in more money. The result is no competition which eventually means poor product because it doesn't have any reason to produce a good product. So what we end up with is a poor product at a high cost.
You think government health care is a good thing? All you have to do is talk to the subjects of most of Europe, Great Brittan or even Canada. There's a reason that those who can, come here for their health needs. There's a reason that Canada has black market clinics.
The reason we have high health care costs is mostly because the cost is insulated from the consumer. If it only costs $10-$20 for an office visit or test, why not have it done? Who cares? The doctor needs high traffic to pay for all the clerical work that's required due to insurance, so he's likely to recommend more than is required. Who cares? The consumer doesn't feel the pinch, not directly anyway. If the only health insurance available was major medical, the per person health care cost would drop dramatically.
Government health care will kill the competition, lower the quality of the product and increase the cost. That's happened every where else. I don't see a reason it won't happen here as well.
Despite what they say, it's not about fixing anything. Fixing something is the last thing politicians want to do. That would put them out of a job. To keep their jobs and maintain power they must say they're going to fix something, then not fix it. "Sorry, we'll do better next time". It's amazing how many buy into this BS.
Black Hole
A week ago Sunday at the range I was surprised when the HiPower was shooting at the sites when in the past it always shot high. The staked front site came loose and rotated up, effectively increasing its height. It's now at the shop to get a dovetail machined in the slide and a taller site installed. He said it'll take about 2 weeks. Now that will be a surprise. Around here when a gun is left with a gunsmith, it drops into a black hole.
Friday, June 12, 2009
38 Years and Going Strong
When I got married I was 20 and going to college. Because of thinking with the wrong part of my anatomy, we had our first son 7 months later. With the Vietnam war escalating I was obliged to maintain full time student status while working 40 hour weeks in a refrigerator plant to support wife and child. The Boss was only 17 at the time.
That was 38 years ago yesterday. We've had our rough times, but they've been far outnumbered by the good times. We have 2 self-reliant and married sons, 1 grandchild and 3 adopted grandchildren. We beat the odds getting married that young and with a baby on the way to boot.
Don't think I'd change a thing.
That was 38 years ago yesterday. We've had our rough times, but they've been far outnumbered by the good times. We have 2 self-reliant and married sons, 1 grandchild and 3 adopted grandchildren. We beat the odds getting married that young and with a baby on the way to boot.
Don't think I'd change a thing.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Carry Guns
James has decided to show off his choice in carry guns.
If interest go on over and have a look.
My choices are different, but I certainly can't argue with his.
- - - - - -
For several years my main carry gun was a Llama MiniMax .45acp which is an all steel pistol holding 6 in the magazine. As alternates when something smaller and lighter was required are the Llama MicroMax .380 and Walther PPK in .32acp.
I still own all three but the Llama .45acp is now my truck gun and the Llama .380 is being cared for by my daughter-in-law until she can afford to get something of her own. She fell in love with that tiny 1911 style pistol.
Today my main carry piece is a Kimber UltraCarry 1911 .45acp. The aluminum alloy frame cuts about 1/2 pound off the weight. It has a 3" barrel and holds 7 rounds in the magazine. The Kimber is my first choice, but there are times when 8 rounds of .45 ammo gets a little heavy and something slightly smaller would be better.
That's where the relatively new Kahr PM9 comes in. It's smaller in every dimension, holds 7 rounds of 9mm and is quite a bit lighter in weight. Right now I don't carry it very much because I've as yet to really get comfortable with the long striker fired trigger pull. I'm OK with it at ranges closer than 15 yards, but not nearly as good as I am at 25 yards and beyond like with the Kimber.
And smaller and lighter yet, is the tiny little Keltec P3AT in .380. In a pocket holster this little shooter basically disappears from sight and mind. It's basically an up close and personal defensive weapon. I can hit 1/2 size silouette targets at 25 yards with it, but a lot of concentration is required.
For long walks in the woods I usually carry openly. Sometimes it's a full sized Kimber 1911 in .45acp that holds 9 rounds, either concealed or open. But usually I carry a 6" barreled .357 Mag. in a bandolier holster, right out in the open for anybody to see.
If interest go on over and have a look.
My choices are different, but I certainly can't argue with his.
- - - - - -
For several years my main carry gun was a Llama MiniMax .45acp which is an all steel pistol holding 6 in the magazine. As alternates when something smaller and lighter was required are the Llama MicroMax .380 and Walther PPK in .32acp.
I still own all three but the Llama .45acp is now my truck gun and the Llama .380 is being cared for by my daughter-in-law until she can afford to get something of her own. She fell in love with that tiny 1911 style pistol.
Today my main carry piece is a Kimber UltraCarry 1911 .45acp. The aluminum alloy frame cuts about 1/2 pound off the weight. It has a 3" barrel and holds 7 rounds in the magazine. The Kimber is my first choice, but there are times when 8 rounds of .45 ammo gets a little heavy and something slightly smaller would be better.
That's where the relatively new Kahr PM9 comes in. It's smaller in every dimension, holds 7 rounds of 9mm and is quite a bit lighter in weight. Right now I don't carry it very much because I've as yet to really get comfortable with the long striker fired trigger pull. I'm OK with it at ranges closer than 15 yards, but not nearly as good as I am at 25 yards and beyond like with the Kimber.
And smaller and lighter yet, is the tiny little Keltec P3AT in .380. In a pocket holster this little shooter basically disappears from sight and mind. It's basically an up close and personal defensive weapon. I can hit 1/2 size silouette targets at 25 yards with it, but a lot of concentration is required.
For long walks in the woods I usually carry openly. Sometimes it's a full sized Kimber 1911 in .45acp that holds 9 rounds, either concealed or open. But usually I carry a 6" barreled .357 Mag. in a bandolier holster, right out in the open for anybody to see.
A fart it is a pleasant thing,
It gives the belly ease,
It warms the bed in winter,
And suffocates the fleas.
A fart can be quiet,
A fart can be loud,
Some leave a powerful,
Poisonous cloud
A fart can be short,
Or a fart can be long,
Some farts have been known
To sound like a song....
A fart can create
A most curious medley,
A fart can be harmless,
Or silent, and deadly.
A fart might not smell,
While others are vile,
A fart may pass quickly,
Or linger a while......
A fart can occur
In a number of places,
And leave everyone there,
With strange looks on their faces.
From wide-open prairie,
To small elevators,
A fart will find all of
Us sooner or later.
But farts are all bad,
Is simply not true-
We must never forget....
Sweet old farts like you!
It gives the belly ease,
It warms the bed in winter,
And suffocates the fleas.
A fart can be quiet,
A fart can be loud,
Some leave a powerful,
Poisonous cloud
A fart can be short,
Or a fart can be long,
Some farts have been known
To sound like a song....
A fart can create
A most curious medley,
A fart can be harmless,
Or silent, and deadly.
A fart might not smell,
While others are vile,
A fart may pass quickly,
Or linger a while......
A fart can occur
In a number of places,
And leave everyone there,
With strange looks on their faces.
From wide-open prairie,
To small elevators,
A fart will find all of
Us sooner or later.
But farts are all bad,
Is simply not true-
We must never forget....
Sweet old farts like you!
Seems Like it Sometimes
Now men . . . men are like fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Getting Nasty
For a few years now I've had a minor issue being able to sleep through the night. Regardless of whether I'm tired or sleepy (I can be one and not the other), or when I hit the sack, I 'll wake in an hour or two wide awake. On average this happens to me 3 days a week. Then I pay for it at work the next day. That's why I'm up and surfing the 'net a 2AM. The alarm will go off to get me up in 4 hours.
But that's not why I'm writing this post.
Some give great credit to the Fed government for ending the "Great Depression" through large government spending. Others say that the Fed intervention actually prolonged the depression. Obviously the present Fed either believes the former or there is a conscious decision to prolong our economic problem. Could it be that the loonies running the Fed are doing their best to completely destroy and then reinvent our country? I'm beginning to think so.
We were told that all the Fed spending of our money would slow the job losses. Well folks, here's what really is happening.

The rate of job loss is actually increasing. Can we say DEPRESSION and HYPER-INFLATION? I can't imagine that Obama's advisers are really that ignorant, so I must conclude that this is being done with intent.
Combine that with nationalizing private business, spending us into bankruptcy and the coming Fed control over our individual health, etc., and we're becoming a completely different country. And not for the better.
Sometimes it's easier to destroy an old building and build new than fix the old. Could it be that those controlling the Fed want this country re-invented so badly that they've decided to destroy the old and build anew? Sure as hell looks that way to me.
Hang onto your knickers folks. It could get rather nasty.
But that's not why I'm writing this post.
Some give great credit to the Fed government for ending the "Great Depression" through large government spending. Others say that the Fed intervention actually prolonged the depression. Obviously the present Fed either believes the former or there is a conscious decision to prolong our economic problem. Could it be that the loonies running the Fed are doing their best to completely destroy and then reinvent our country? I'm beginning to think so.
We were told that all the Fed spending of our money would slow the job losses. Well folks, here's what really is happening.
The rate of job loss is actually increasing. Can we say DEPRESSION and HYPER-INFLATION? I can't imagine that Obama's advisers are really that ignorant, so I must conclude that this is being done with intent.
Combine that with nationalizing private business, spending us into bankruptcy and the coming Fed control over our individual health, etc., and we're becoming a completely different country. And not for the better.
Sometimes it's easier to destroy an old building and build new than fix the old. Could it be that those controlling the Fed want this country re-invented so badly that they've decided to destroy the old and build anew? Sure as hell looks that way to me.
Hang onto your knickers folks. It could get rather nasty.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Doom & Gloom
There is a huge simmering and angry underbelly to the American polity that the Tea Parties are only a slight indication of. Citizens have had long and growing resentment toward the creeping socialism and incompetent central planning they have labored under for over a century.
I think it will take one bold move from the government during the coming bad times of hyperinflation and the employment of government sponsored paramilitary operations against the wrong group to strike the match.
All the necessary measures to forestall or prevent this from happening are long past. The central planners will not reduce regulation. They will not cut taxes and spending. They will not respect states rights. They will not contain the unlimited power of the robed government employees.
I am pessimistic and think that the same form of intellectual bankruptcy that informs what passes for government economic policy will be the same kind of impaired thinking that leads to the next calamity in these united States. War is coming home.
I think it will take one bold move from the government during the coming bad times of hyperinflation and the employment of government sponsored paramilitary operations against the wrong group to strike the match.
All the necessary measures to forestall or prevent this from happening are long past. The central planners will not reduce regulation. They will not cut taxes and spending. They will not respect states rights. They will not contain the unlimited power of the robed government employees.
I am pessimistic and think that the same form of intellectual bankruptcy that informs what passes for government economic policy will be the same kind of impaired thinking that leads to the next calamity in these united States. War is coming home.
Range Time
I managed to get to the range yesterday for a few hours.
I sighted in the red dot on the Ishapore carbine and managed to shoot a 1-1/2" group with it using Mil ammo. I must have been holding my tongue just right.
The AR with it's HoloSight produced 1" group with PPU 5.56X45 and 2" with both Rem 223 and Am Eagle tactical 5.56X45. All were with 55 grain bullets. It's presently zeroed for the PPU. The Rem impacted about 3/4" to one side and the Am Eagle about 3/4" to the other side. I'm going to do some more experimentation with the flash hider position and measure group sizes and point of impact. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to find a spot where impact doesn't change and still produces acceptable accuracy.
I'm also going to start reloading for the AR. I'd like to develop a load that matches factory ammo that's available. Right now I'm seeing more Rem 55 grain ammo than anything else.
Shot some more loads through the 4" 44 Bulldog. 210 grain bullets at about 820f/s seems to be about the maximum recoil I'm comfortable with in that light weight revolver. Next time I'll probably run some 240 grain bullets and see how that feels.
The experimentation with different loads in the two 9mm pistols worked out as expected, but not as I hoped. The PM9 seems to like 147 grain lead at 800f/s (PM9) or 125 grain Sierra bullets at 900f/s (PM9). The velocity was about 100f/s faster in the HiPower and it doesn't like either one of those. It still likes 115 grain Hornady at 1160f/s. All shooting was off-hand at 25 yards, and I don't consider the PM9 to be broken in as yet, nor am I entirely at ease with the long trigger stroke.
For the time being I think I'll stay with the 147 grain lead in the PM9 as practice loads. I have a box of 500 that were given to me. I'll carry it with the 125 grain Sierra HP. At 25 yards the impact point is about the same. Later on I'll experiment some more.
I sighted in the red dot on the Ishapore carbine and managed to shoot a 1-1/2" group with it using Mil ammo. I must have been holding my tongue just right.
The AR with it's HoloSight produced 1" group with PPU 5.56X45 and 2" with both Rem 223 and Am Eagle tactical 5.56X45. All were with 55 grain bullets. It's presently zeroed for the PPU. The Rem impacted about 3/4" to one side and the Am Eagle about 3/4" to the other side. I'm going to do some more experimentation with the flash hider position and measure group sizes and point of impact. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to find a spot where impact doesn't change and still produces acceptable accuracy.
I'm also going to start reloading for the AR. I'd like to develop a load that matches factory ammo that's available. Right now I'm seeing more Rem 55 grain ammo than anything else.
Shot some more loads through the 4" 44 Bulldog. 210 grain bullets at about 820f/s seems to be about the maximum recoil I'm comfortable with in that light weight revolver. Next time I'll probably run some 240 grain bullets and see how that feels.
The experimentation with different loads in the two 9mm pistols worked out as expected, but not as I hoped. The PM9 seems to like 147 grain lead at 800f/s (PM9) or 125 grain Sierra bullets at 900f/s (PM9). The velocity was about 100f/s faster in the HiPower and it doesn't like either one of those. It still likes 115 grain Hornady at 1160f/s. All shooting was off-hand at 25 yards, and I don't consider the PM9 to be broken in as yet, nor am I entirely at ease with the long trigger stroke.
For the time being I think I'll stay with the 147 grain lead in the PM9 as practice loads. I have a box of 500 that were given to me. I'll carry it with the 125 grain Sierra HP. At 25 yards the impact point is about the same. Later on I'll experiment some more.
For The Grandkids
I guess it's because we're better off financially than when our own kids were young, but we now have more toys & stuff around than ever before.
As an example, the Boss bought one of these playsets. The instructions say to expect between 6 and 12 hours for 2 adults to assemble. So far we've put in 16 man-hours and still have the roof, windows, swing and low level picnic bench to assemble.
As an example, the Boss bought one of these playsets. The instructions say to expect between 6 and 12 hours for 2 adults to assemble. So far we've put in 16 man-hours and still have the roof, windows, swing and low level picnic bench to assemble.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
President Pantywaist
From the UK
If al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the rest of the Looney Tunes brigade want to kick America to death, they had better move in quickly and grab a piece of the action before Barack Obama finishes the job himself. Never in the history of the United States has a president worked so actively against the interests of his own people - not even Jimmy Carter.
Obama's problem is that he does not know who the enemy is. To him, the enemy does not squat in caves in Waziristan, clutching automatic weapons and reciting the more militant verses from the Koran: instead, it sits around at tea parties in Kentucky quoting from the US Constitution. Obama is not at war with terrorists, but with his Republican fellow citizens.
President Pantywaist's recent world tour, cosying up to all the bad guys, excited the ambitions of America's enemies. Here, they realised, is a sucker they can really take to the cleaners. His only enemies are fellow Americans. Which prompts the question: why does President Pantywaist hate America so badly?
And there's more.
Barack Obama's 100 days of un-American activities are being appropriately marked by the latest hostile initiative against the United States that his partisan rancour has made possible.
The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows a solid majority of Americans opposed to Obama's release of Bush-era memos. President Pantywaist's motivation was simply to damage his Republican opponents: he may live in the White House, but he is still electioneering on the campaign trail. The One who promised to bring a healing bipartisan spirit to public life has proved to be the most viciously partisan president since Nixon - worse, in fact.
If such infamy has already been achieved by President Pantywaist in his first 100 days, what further disasters can the United States expect from its anti-American head of state?
If al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the rest of the Looney Tunes brigade want to kick America to death, they had better move in quickly and grab a piece of the action before Barack Obama finishes the job himself. Never in the history of the United States has a president worked so actively against the interests of his own people - not even Jimmy Carter.
Obama's problem is that he does not know who the enemy is. To him, the enemy does not squat in caves in Waziristan, clutching automatic weapons and reciting the more militant verses from the Koran: instead, it sits around at tea parties in Kentucky quoting from the US Constitution. Obama is not at war with terrorists, but with his Republican fellow citizens.
President Pantywaist's recent world tour, cosying up to all the bad guys, excited the ambitions of America's enemies. Here, they realised, is a sucker they can really take to the cleaners. His only enemies are fellow Americans. Which prompts the question: why does President Pantywaist hate America so badly?
And there's more.
Barack Obama's 100 days of un-American activities are being appropriately marked by the latest hostile initiative against the United States that his partisan rancour has made possible.
The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows a solid majority of Americans opposed to Obama's release of Bush-era memos. President Pantywaist's motivation was simply to damage his Republican opponents: he may live in the White House, but he is still electioneering on the campaign trail. The One who promised to bring a healing bipartisan spirit to public life has proved to be the most viciously partisan president since Nixon - worse, in fact.
If such infamy has already been achieved by President Pantywaist in his first 100 days, what further disasters can the United States expect from its anti-American head of state?
Camels Can't Fly
via e-mail
This brand spanking new Airbus 340-600, the largest passenger airplane ever built, sits just outside its hangar in Toulouse, France without a single hour of airtime.
Enter: Arab flight crew of Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies (ADAT) to conduct pre-delivery tests on the ground, such as engine run-ups prior to delivery to Etihad Airways in Abu Dhabi . The ADAT crew taxied the A340-600 to the run-up area.
Then they took all Four engines to takeoff power with a virtually empty aircraft. Not having Read the run-up manuals, they had no clue just how light an empty A340-600 Really is.
The takeoff warning horn was blaring away in the cockpit because they had All 4 engines at full power. The aircraft computers thought they were trying to take off, but it had not been configured properly (flaps/slats, etc..)
Then one of the ADAT crew decided to pull the circuit breaker on the Ground Proximity Sensor to silence the alarm. This fools the aircraft into thinking it is in the air. The computers automatically released all the Brakes and set the aircraft rocketing forward. The ADAT crew had no idea that this is a safety feature so that pilots can't land with the brakes on.
Not one member of the seven-man Arab crew was smart enough to throttle back the engines from their max power setting, so the $200 million brand-new Aircraft crashed into a blast barrier, totaling it.
The extent of injuries to the crew is unknown due to the news blackout in the major media in France and elsewhere. Coverage of the story was deemed insulting to Muslim Arabs.
Finally, the photos are starting to leak out. Airbus $200 million aircraft meets retaining wall and the wall wins. (That's why God gave them camels"!)
This brand spanking new Airbus 340-600, the largest passenger airplane ever built, sits just outside its hangar in Toulouse, France without a single hour of airtime.
Enter: Arab flight crew of Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies (ADAT) to conduct pre-delivery tests on the ground, such as engine run-ups prior to delivery to Etihad Airways in Abu Dhabi . The ADAT crew taxied the A340-600 to the run-up area.
Then they took all Four engines to takeoff power with a virtually empty aircraft. Not having Read the run-up manuals, they had no clue just how light an empty A340-600 Really is.
The takeoff warning horn was blaring away in the cockpit because they had All 4 engines at full power. The aircraft computers thought they were trying to take off, but it had not been configured properly (flaps/slats, etc..)
Then one of the ADAT crew decided to pull the circuit breaker on the Ground Proximity Sensor to silence the alarm. This fools the aircraft into thinking it is in the air. The computers automatically released all the Brakes and set the aircraft rocketing forward. The ADAT crew had no idea that this is a safety feature so that pilots can't land with the brakes on.
Not one member of the seven-man Arab crew was smart enough to throttle back the engines from their max power setting, so the $200 million brand-new Aircraft crashed into a blast barrier, totaling it.
The extent of injuries to the crew is unknown due to the news blackout in the major media in France and elsewhere. Coverage of the story was deemed insulting to Muslim Arabs.
Finally, the photos are starting to leak out. Airbus $200 million aircraft meets retaining wall and the wall wins. (That's why God gave them camels"!)
Todays Humor
Via e-mail
One evening a husband, thinking he was being funny, said to his wife, 'Perhaps we should start washing your clothes in 'Slim Fast'. Maybe it would take a few inches off of your butt!'
His wife was not amused, and decided that she simply couldn't let such a comment go un-rewarded. The next morning the husband took a pair of underwear out of his drawer. 'What the heck is this?' he said to himself as a little 'dust' cloud appeared when he shook them out.
'April', he hollered into the bathroom, 'Why did you put talcum powder in my underwear?' She replied with a snicker. 'It's not talcum powder; it's 'Miracle Grow'!!!!!
One evening a husband, thinking he was being funny, said to his wife, 'Perhaps we should start washing your clothes in 'Slim Fast'. Maybe it would take a few inches off of your butt!'
His wife was not amused, and decided that she simply couldn't let such a comment go un-rewarded. The next morning the husband took a pair of underwear out of his drawer. 'What the heck is this?' he said to himself as a little 'dust' cloud appeared when he shook them out.
'April', he hollered into the bathroom, 'Why did you put talcum powder in my underwear?' She replied with a snicker. 'It's not talcum powder; it's 'Miracle Grow'!!!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I'm Honored
This was e-mailed to me.
It's time to take a reflective look at the core beliefs of a culture that values home, family, country and God. If I had to stand before a dozen terrorists who threaten my life, I'd choose a half dozen or so rednecks to back me up. Tire irons, squirrel guns and grit -- that's what rednecks are made of.
You might be a redneck if:
It never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase, ' One nation, under God.'
You've never protested about seeing the 10 Commandments posted in public places.
You still say ' Christmas' instead of 'Winter Festival.'
You bow your head when someone prays.
You stand and place your hand over your heart when they play the National Anthem.
You treat our armed forces veterans with great respect, and always have.
You've never burned an American flag, nor intend to.
You know what you believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no matter who is listening.
You respect your elders and raised your kids to do the same.
You'd give your last dollar to a friend.
If you got this email from me, it is because I believe that you, like me, have just enough Red Neck in you to have the same beliefs as those talked about in this email.
It's time to take a reflective look at the core beliefs of a culture that values home, family, country and God. If I had to stand before a dozen terrorists who threaten my life, I'd choose a half dozen or so rednecks to back me up. Tire irons, squirrel guns and grit -- that's what rednecks are made of.
You might be a redneck if:
It never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase, ' One nation, under God.'
You've never protested about seeing the 10 Commandments posted in public places.
You still say ' Christmas' instead of 'Winter Festival.'
You bow your head when someone prays.
You stand and place your hand over your heart when they play the National Anthem.
You treat our armed forces veterans with great respect, and always have.
You've never burned an American flag, nor intend to.
You know what you believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no matter who is listening.
You respect your elders and raised your kids to do the same.
You'd give your last dollar to a friend.
If you got this email from me, it is because I believe that you, like me, have just enough Red Neck in you to have the same beliefs as those talked about in this email.
First Time in Print - Experts Agree
I cross my heart and sware this is the very first time I've seen one of the so-called experts agree that the .357 is good for deer hunting.
The .357 Magnum will easily kill deer.
I've had success from 15 - 120 yards with mine.
Not only that, it's also the first time I've seen anyone publish . . .
Remember when zeroing that changing bullet weights with handguns usually has the opposite effect as in rifles. A lightweight bullet spends less time in a short barrel as recoil lifts it, so light bullets typically strike lower than heavy ones.
I've experienced this many times over the years.
The .357 Magnum will easily kill deer.
I've had success from 15 - 120 yards with mine.
Not only that, it's also the first time I've seen anyone publish . . .
Remember when zeroing that changing bullet weights with handguns usually has the opposite effect as in rifles. A lightweight bullet spends less time in a short barrel as recoil lifts it, so light bullets typically strike lower than heavy ones.
I've experienced this many times over the years.
Foolish Me
Sunday the Boss once again asked me to run her errands with her. One stop was to get a swing set for the grandson to play on in the back yard. I was expecting one of those metal things that takes an hour or two to assemble. How foolish of me.
This thing is not metal but cedar, precut & drilled. It has an elevated club house, climbing wall, 2 swings and a glider. The instructions say it should take 2 people 10-14 hours to assemble. Since I'll be doing it by myself, it'll take more than double that. CRAP
So why am I here instead of out in the heat working? It's raining.
This thing is not metal but cedar, precut & drilled. It has an elevated club house, climbing wall, 2 swings and a glider. The instructions say it should take 2 people 10-14 hours to assemble. Since I'll be doing it by myself, it'll take more than double that. CRAP
So why am I here instead of out in the heat working? It's raining.
The bad news is that I had a little communication problem between the machine shop and myself. Explanations over the phone don't always work. Could've avoided the whole thing if I would've remembered to put 2 dimensions on the drawing. Everybody makes mistakes, and being the boss and only mechanical engineer with no one to check what I do, allow my mistakes to jump up and slap me in the face.
The good news is that a decent gun shop was on the way, so I stopped in for a few moments. To my great surprise they actually had some small pistol primers. Looked like they had 2500 left from a shipment of 5000. The store limit is 500 per customer per day. I bought the limit at $4.00/100 primers. That's about twice what they cost the last time I purchased them, but oh well. I now have about 800 primers for loading the 9mm. It's time to shake out the PM9.
The good news is that a decent gun shop was on the way, so I stopped in for a few moments. To my great surprise they actually had some small pistol primers. Looked like they had 2500 left from a shipment of 5000. The store limit is 500 per customer per day. I bought the limit at $4.00/100 primers. That's about twice what they cost the last time I purchased them, but oh well. I now have about 800 primers for loading the 9mm. It's time to shake out the PM9.
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