E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Natural Correction

There are some signs that the free fall into a depression is slowing a bit. I'm sure that when we hit bottom and stabilize, that Obama & company will be right up front taking credit for turning things around with the 'stimulus' spending. And false credit it will be, since 80-90% of the money is yet to be spent. What we're seeing is the natural correction. Unfortunately history has shown that trying to spend our way back actually prolongs depressions/recessions. I guess our government officials never attended history class in school.

It's been said that good thing comes to those that wait. In this case I doubt it's all that good, but the loons sure are taking advantage of the situation. They're progressing towards a total remake of our country, and they have great big grins on their faces as they spend, legislate and regulate the 'last hope for freedom' right out of existence.

I wonder if they'll take credit for the massive inflation that's just around the corner. Oh, wait, that'll be the fault of the previous administration.

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