But that's not why I'm writing this post.
Some give great credit to the Fed government for ending the "Great Depression" through large government spending. Others say that the Fed intervention actually prolonged the depression. Obviously the present Fed either believes the former or there is a conscious decision to prolong our economic problem. Could it be that the loonies running the Fed are doing their best to completely destroy and then reinvent our country? I'm beginning to think so.
We were told that all the Fed spending of our money would slow the job losses. Well folks, here's what really is happening.
The rate of job loss is actually increasing. Can we say DEPRESSION and HYPER-INFLATION? I can't imagine that Obama's advisers are really that ignorant, so I must conclude that this is being done with intent.
Combine that with nationalizing private business, spending us into bankruptcy and the coming Fed control over our individual health, etc., and we're becoming a completely different country. And not for the better.
Sometimes it's easier to destroy an old building and build new than fix the old. Could it be that those controlling the Fed want this country re-invented so badly that they've decided to destroy the old and build anew? Sure as hell looks that way to me.
Hang onto your knickers folks. It could get rather nasty.
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