E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Saddled up the TWH mare last evening.  She gave me THE LOOK that only females can give, the whole time.  The Boss and I headed up the road towards the park entrance, but didn't get there.  It started out very nice, but then somebody started a lawn mower.  She got nervous, stopped, and started to turn around.  I got her headed up the road when the mower stopped, but when it started again, she turned around and headed for the barn.  I elected not to fight her on the pavement as one of us could get hurt.  I got her calmed down in the barn so we rode a bit in the small pasture. 

I found her to be very smooth at the walk and flat walk.  She was also sensitive to every command.  A very nice horse in a familiar environment.

Still not sure how she will be on the trails.

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