E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Continuous Hot Air - Screwing Things Up

According to the news this morning our illustrious senators are going to pass some form of the 2 health care bills they have, and the house will do the same. Then some committee will meet in secret to decide what will be sent to the President. They sure are spending a lot of effort, especially hot air, to screw up something that's only bent a little, but not broke.

Those with the money come here from Europe and Canada for their care. As a nation we may spend more on health, but we seem to be getting what we pay for. Well most of the time anyway. We could use some law tweeking to allow more across state lines competition, but I sure don't want anything like they have in Europe or Canada.

Do you get the feeling our country is now being run by socialists? I know it is. That's what has kept Europe from progressing as fast as we have. That's what our leaders have in mind for us here. They want a one world order that consists of government control over everything and poverty for The People. That's what most of the rest of the world is like.

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