E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Gun vs Knife

Saw a very informative video today.  First it was very graphic showing the damage a knife con do to the human body.  Then drills and experiments that demonstrated the 21 foot rule. 

Taking a knife to a gun fight?  If the gun is holstered, then inside 20 feet, I'd bet on the knife.

I've always said that if I'm ever in a handgun fight, I'd want it to be at any distance over 30 yards.  The vast majority of handgunners never shoot past 25 yards, and most keep it at 21 feet.  For me, 25 yards is my minimum, then 50 and 75.  If shooting my 357 or 454 I start at 50 yards, then 100 and occasionally stretch it out to 200 yards.

So bring a knife to a gun fight. Hell yes, if you're close.

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