E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Every now and then I'm reminded by circumstances that everything in this world is a compromise.  In the post below I'm expressing how much I like my mare.  She does have a down side . . . she's a she, and with all mammal she's, she goes batty on a regular basis.  With horses that is about every 3 weeks, for about a week.  So she's an excellent trail horse 2 of 3 weeks.  Compared to other mares she's not all that bad.  If she can be pried away from the boys, she'll be jittery, not very responsive to the rider and sometimes extremely stubborn.

Early in the spring I started giving her hormone injections every 3 weeks that are intended to stop her cycles.  About 1-1/2 weeks ago she had her first cycle of the year, so we didn't go riding.  Apparently that will happen occasionally.  If I was retired, I'd probably not give her the medication, and just track her cycles.

As I said, everything is a compromise.  In this case I believe the good outweighs the bad.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

My Little Girl

This is my 'little' girl.  She's about 940Lbs and just barely 14.3 hands (4' 9") at the withers.  She can haul my short, fat, 200 pound body up and down hills and through the woods for hours with ease.  Being short makes the tight trails much easier.  She's easy to ride and an excellent trail horse.  When speeding up faster than a walk she doesn't trot or pace, but shifts into the 'rack'.  That's an even sequenced 4 beat gate that can be as fast or faster that a good trot but without the bounce.  It's like gliding.  And she has a great personality.  I like this rocky mountain mare a lot.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Trailer Search

Been looking for a horse trailer.  In this area  top of the line, for 2 horses, runs close $8000 new with used rusted junk around $1200.  Not sure what we'll end up with.  When I started looking I was thinking $6000 maximum, but I had no idea what that would buy.

We don't need one right now because the horses are kept just a short ride down a country road to a park with 20+ miles of horse trails.  Having said that, it would be nice to go to other places, especially this fall.

Idiots Abound

Three terrorist attacks in 2 days in Europe, and still there are those that want open borders and unarmed citizens.
It's not illegal to be idiots I guess.

Anniversary Present

The Boss gave me this present for our 46th anniversary.
Quite appropriate don't you think?
So far it's a virgin.  Obviously the Boss is not.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

46 And Counting

Sure doesn't seem that long, but the Boss and I have been married 46 years today.  We started off hard. She was 17, in high school and pregnant, and I was 20 and in college.  Wouldn't change a thing though.

We don't ever do much in the way of celebration.  Early this morning, before the temperature got too hot, we went for a 2 hour ride on some of the local horse trails.  I enjoy riding, but for the Boss it's almost therapeutic.  It's good for her physically, her back, and spiritually.  For me it's simply an escape from the stressful world.  I get the same with visits to the range, but she doesn't like shooting ranges.  This is something that we can do together.  The rest of the day we've been couch potatoes.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Open Borders & the Uncivilized

Once again civilized man is being attacked and punished for assuming that others are also civilized.  When will the open border fans realize that that's an invitation to disaster, the downfall to their society.  The uncivilized followers of Allah will take any advantage to destroy the infidel.

In a truly free society where individual citizens take responsibility for themselves, the uncivilized will have little success, because the citizens will be armed.  In the area where I live and work, the uncivilized would have met their maker before so many of their targets.

Busy Busy Busy

At work and at home.  No working today. None. None. None. Had all I can stand.  Soooo this morning the Boss and I climbed on our horses and spend about 3 hours in the fields and woods.  Got , what I consider as, HOT this afternoon.  (I consider anything over 75F as too warm).  It was up around 85F when we got back to the barn.  The horses seemed to like being hosed down after the ride.

I have concluded that man was not intended to have his legs spread and bounced around for 3 hours.  Groin pull. Groin pull.

Maybe to the range next weekend.