E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, April 9, 2017

A First

For the first time ever I rode a horse across the harvested bean field at a comfortable walk, both ways.  In the 2 years that we've had horses, I'm now on number 3, while the Boss has had just the one.  I bought my mare last July, and summer through fall she was a delight on the trail, except when in heat. 

This year she has been testing me a little, so the owner of the stable gave her 1/2 CC of a drug called Ace.  Just enough to take the edge off of her.  Today she actually walked up the road without wandering from side to side checking for danger.  We went down the road, across the big empty field, crossed 2 roads, down tight and very muddy trails, and then back again.  A nice and enjoyable ride.  The Boss's horse was very sweaty.  Mine not so much, but she was tired.  Heading to the barn I tried to get her to speed up, but she just wasn't interested in going any faster.

The stable owner said he had to drug his horse 2 or 3 times, then everything was good.  I don't like the idea if drugging any animal, but I need to go riding with the Boss.  Trail riding is therapy for her back, . . . . and spirit.  Besides I also like a nice comfortable, relaxing trail ride.

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