E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Vet Visit

Met the vet at the stables this afternoon.  Yep, left work early.

The Bosses horse hurt his lower rear leg about 2 months ago, but seemed to be healed.  Unfortunately after a relaxed 2 hour walk on the trails, that lower leg feels warm to the touch, though he hasn't been limping at all.  He was found to be sore at the end of the splint bone.  We're to give him bute' for a week and then before and after riding.  We'll see how it goes from there.

Had the vet check out my mare, since she's relatively new to me, and doesn't seem to like the bit I've been using.  Her teeth are fine and she checked out as very healthy and about perfect weight.  I was disappointed when the vet said she's about 12 years old based on her teeth.  I was told she is 8 years old when we bought her.  Oh well.

Also found out that the vet is a gun guy.  He loves the 1911 45.

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