E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, June 14, 2015

No Shooting Again

Way too much going on and hotter than hell.  If I'm sitting in the shade and it's 80F, I'm on the verge of sweating.  It's been about 90F for the last few days and it's predicted to stay that way for several more days.  Most want warmer temperatures when they age, but not me.  The older I get the less heat tolerance I have.

The Boss has several physical issues that keeps her in pain most of the time.  When we're at the stables messing with horses or being rather pathetic horse riders, she's pain free.  In addition any stress that I'm feeling seems to disappear.

Yesterday morning we were on our horses by 9AM, trying to beat the heat.  Rolan, the Bosses red gelding, got spooked on the road when a mail delivery jeep went by.  Neither horse is vehicle shy, but Rolan didn't like the yellow flashing lights in the least.  Naturally, when Rolan spooked, so did my big gelding.  Thankfully neither got really crazy and we were able to control and calm them down.

Later Rolan got spooked again by something unknown to us.  He started dancing and trying to run.  He almost lost the Boss but she hung on and eventually got him settled down.  While all of that was happening, my gelding Toby, pranced, spun and wanted to run after them.  I managed to keep him under control, but barely.

All this happened in grass between corn fields in open farm land.  There was a horse riders rest stop close by so we all took a break. 

After the 4 of us rested we continued on the trail into a brushy area.  The horses started shaking their heads to rid their faces of flies.  They were so irritated by this that we turned around and headed back to the stable.  When we got back all 4 of us were wet with sweat, and it wasn't noon yet.

Each time we ride we become a little bit better at riding, and learn something about horses.  The horses are also getting accustomed to us.  For instance, my gelding Toby doesn't try to walk as fast as he did when behind Rowan.  I also noticed that the Boss and Rolan are bonding.

I have been and will continue to sacrifice range time to be with the Boss and the horses.  It's good for her, and probably for me too.

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