E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas

I hope all had and are having a wonderful Christmas.

The Boss and I have reduced gift spending for each other quite a bit over the years.  Bought her an emerald necklace and a couple inexpensive yard ornamentals.  I received an angle grinder and a pair of cowboy styled work boots.  Spending on the grandkids is another matter.

The granddaughter informed me that she won't be able to make it to the stable to clean the horse stall for a while.  With the Boss's bad back and knee that leaves me to shovel horse crap.  The new boots are appreciated.  Easier to change as not to track mud and crap into the truck.

I'll be off work for the rest of this year.  The plan is to load some more ammunition, get to the range, assemble and install another rail section on the deck, and try to ride our horse for the first time.

The Boss always has conflicting plans.  Since she's at home when I'm at work she's always wanting to go somewhere and interact with family and friends.  And I want to be at home away from most people.

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