E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Off The Horses Ass

Apparently the new horse dumped the granddaughter 3 times last week.  The Boss and I went over there today.  Saddled the horse, and the mare went crazy when the Boss even started to mount.  The Boss walked her around the pasture for a while and tried again.  This time Boss got her leg in the air over the saddle, and the mare twisted aware from her.  The Boss slid right off the horses butt and landed on her feet.  Expert help was called.

Seems the granddaughter has been riding bare back, on a horse that's never been ridden that way before.  The horse is part arabian, so a bit spirited, in a new environment with new people.  Seems the granddaughter has caused the issue. It may take several training sessions to fix this. It took the expert about 45 minutes to calm the mare.  She stood as still as a rock being mounted.  The Boss and the expert took a trail ride while I snoozed in the truck.

The Boss ended up riding a saddle that didn't fit her.  It got her bad back hurting, but temporary.  We'll see how she feels in the morning.

We're still learning about horses.

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