E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, April 8, 2013

Change the Process

After having read the constitution, more then once, I have just 1 issue with the document.  OK, make that 2.

It was written by the highly educated of the time, and as such is a bit flowery.  If the language was more simple, the looney would find re-invention of the meaning more difficult.

Then there's the function of the supreme court.  Instead of laws requiring a challenge by someone harmed, each and every bill passed should require a review by the court before being enacted.  Every bill should be examined for constitutionality before becoming law.  Maybe we wouldn't be in the near tyranny that we now have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can understand the thought of having a law challenged as soon as it is adopted.

I think that would be a bad idea because so many of the people on the court could agree with the idea; then there is no room for challenge.

People change over time; consensus shifts from acceptable to unacceptable -- by having a person harmed bringing suit, they can affect that consensus.

I think the Court's definition of harm and standing needs to be revised though