E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Damn Computers

Our adopted granddaughter has spent most of the week with us.  She's pleasant, entertaining, intelligent and just a pleasure to have around.  She's been doing school on-line because public school has had too much drama for her to tolerate.  She said she was having troubles doing her studies on our PC because of computer issues and the lack of MS Word. 

So I went on-line and purchased Word to download.  Unfortunately our PC has MS Office.  And I couldn't load Word without first uninstalling Office, and I don't have the software to reinstall it.  I didn't know it had MS Office.  After asking I found out that the problem she was having was due to her studies being on a newer version of Word.  All she had to do was change a setting in her studies. 

The Boss's laptop doesn't have Word so we'll install it there, since it's paid for.

The PC is located remote from the house and the wireless router.  Moving the antenna around improved the signal reception, and hopefully has fixed the connection problem.

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