E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Cat House . . . Maybe

So far in our search for a smaller place we've found the Tree House, the Septic House, the Cave House and now the Cat House. All of these would have satisfied our criteria, except for certain issues.

Tree House - A tree fell on the roof.
Septic House - The leeching field is on another property.
Cave House - The basement wall is caving in.
Cat House - Extremely strong odor of cat pee.

We passed on the first 3, but tomorrow night we're going to make an offer on the Cat House contingent on what a specialist tells us about eliminating the cat urine problem. The specialist is a company that specializes in things like eliminating mold, cleaning up bloody crime scenes, and eliminating animal odors.

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