E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I'm sure by now you've seen at least some clips of the wack-o that tried to shoot (kill) some school board members in Florida. Besides being a complete mental case a couple of things come to mind.

The shooter was certainly one of the worst shots I've ever seen. I wonder if he ever fired a gun before in his life.

The school board members in that room were/are spineless sheep. Not one of them made an effort, at any time to stop the madman. The only person with any balls at all was the woman who tried to knock the gun out of that guys hand with her purse. The rest of the group should have rushed him then, but no, they just sat on their collective yellow asses. Has political correctness and dependency on law enforcement made us a nation of wimps?


Bill Newman said...

I completely agree with you! Those wimps just sat there and watched as this courageous little woman tried to save their wimpy little pussy asses! They should be ashamed to look at themselves in the mirror! However it does not surprise me. Just take a good look at any one of them. They are all the perfect example of the perfect little wimp! Ginger Littleton is a perfect example of a true brave hero! This lady had the guts to take selfless action to try and save the lives of the perfect little wimps while they just sat there frozen in fear! Shame to the spineless little wimps, hail to Ginger Littleton the true brave hero!

NotClauswitz said...

Terrified and frozen wimps, obedience-trained into inaction.