E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sometimes the Planets Align

to create a wonderful day. Then there are times like today when just the opposite happens.

Initially things weren't too bad. We drive the hour+ to the Center of downtown Cincinnati and crammed into small seats in a theatre to watch a graduation ceremony. I managed to weather being in a city, which I hate, and the small confines of being in a crowd for 3 hours, which I also hate.

When we left all was right with the world as we headed for a meeting with several others at a restaurant. On the way I stopped to put fuel in the car, then it refused to start. Turning the key didn't even cause so much as a click. One of our future fellow diners drove a 1/2 hour back from the restaurant to give us a jump start. It started but wouldn't keep running. Then I noticed one of the tires was flat. So we just left it there.

The helper piled five of us in his van, we went to dinner with him and some others, than he drove us home. Tomorrow I'll be going back down there with a new battery and a DC powered air compressor, after the Boss gets home from church.

So much for the range time I had hoped for.


Anonymous said...

I almost hate to tell you this, but if the car would start with a jump but wouldn't stay running, the problem is the alternator, not the battery.

The car should run with the battery disconnected if the alternator is working correctly.

The battery may need to be changed too because sometimes the alternator going can eat up a battery, but I'd take them both out and take them to an auto parts place to have them tested.

Based on your description of the problem, I can pretty much guarantee the alternator will be bad, but the battery may still be salvageable.

Anonymous said...

BTW, not to gloat, but just to let you know the world wasn't all dark today to maybe brighten up your little part of it, I had a great day.

Helped teach a First Steps Pistol class.

8 brand new baby shooters born today.

trajectory said...

Gloat all you want. Congrats on the baby shooters.

I've taught a few new shooters myself, mostly under the age of 10. Extremely satisfying.

There's a few women friends of the Boss that want me to teach them handgun defense shooting. They want this in preparation to the concealed carry course, which starts out from the new shooter standpoint, so they'll get double exposure. They want instruction from me because they won't feel so out of place, and then 2 just don't have the money for the training. Those 2 won't get the license, but will keep one in the house.