E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bucket Economy

In part this is why I will never be able to retire. I'll have to work as long as I'm able, because the government keeps screwing with us, . . . . for "the general good" of all.

. . . It isn't bad home loans, or under performing financial sectors, or irresponsible executives which are really the problem here. It is something far more pervasive. And destructive.

The government is stealing from us. All governments really. From everyone. That's what government is.

And the economy suffers the very predictable results of being subject to a large, parasitic entity which exists to constantly drain productive capital. It coughs. It struggles. It limps along. And eventually it will die.

Imagine the economy as a bucket half full of water. The goal is to fill the bucket completely. In order to do so, the government dips into it and removes a cup of water, and then pours it back in again. They repeat this process over and over again, and can't figure out why no matter how many cups they pour in, the bucket never gets full.

Only the problem is even worse, because as I've said before, for every dollar they spend on stimulating economic growth, they must pay for tax collectors, and reams of forms, and offices which must be heated and cooled, and name plates and parking spaces and pencil sharpeners. It's like they dip into that bucket, drink half the cup, and pour the other half back. So now, the bucket doesn't even stay half full. Instead it gradually loses water.

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