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Friday, May 7, 2010

Arizona SB 1070

So I finally got around to reading the new Arizona bill that is causing all the fuss from the anti-nationalist bunch. It's Arizona SB 1070. As far as I can tell it comes very close to a carbon copy of the Fed law except it gives local LEOs the ability to enforce our law concerning illegal immigration. If this state law violates any civil rights, in any manner, then so does the Fed law. You know, the law that the Fed refuses to enforce. If SB 1070 is not constitutional, then the same can be said for the Fed law. And if that's an illegal law, then it should be re-written to make it pass constitutional muster. To date, the Fed has done a miserable job of protecting our borders from foreign invasion, and that's one of the few reasons to even have a Fed government.

Now this guy makes a good point that our restrictive gun laws are more in violation of civil rights that SB 1070. I hadn't thought about it that way before. Besides, the constitution only guarantees civil right to the citizens of this country. If someone is here illegally, as far as I'm concerned that person has no civil rights under our law.

I hear that some are calling for a boycott of Arizona. I think my next vacation will include a trip to Arizona. They've recently retracted laws that make it illegal to carry a gun in any manner desired, including concealed. They have a sheriff (I think that's the state) that knows how to run a jail. And now they've thumbed their collective noses at the Fed. Now that's my kind of attitude.

1 comment:

TheRumpledOne said...

Simple question:

What happens if someone jumps the fence and wanders around a gated community without an ID? I am sure a resident of the community calls the cops saying someone that doesn't look like they belong here is roaming the streets. The cops arrive. They would ask the wanderer a few questions. And since the wanderer does not have a valid reason for being inside the gated community, the cops would escort them out, wouldn't they? Isn't a country, like the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a "gated community", too?

We should treat immigrants like Mexico does:

At present, Article 67 of Mexico's Population Law says, "Authorities, whether federal, state or municipal ... are required to demand that foreigners prove their legal presence in the country, before attending to any issues."

That would simplify things.

We do NOT need immigration reform. We need immigration ENFORCEMENT!