E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Contract

My eldest son served 4 years active duty as a US Marine. He said as a Marine he took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. His honorable discharge was not a discharge of the oath taken. Therefore, according to him, strictly speaking he should presently be at war against our own federal government. Our federal government has continually taken action and enacted laws that violate the authorities specifically granted. They have turned the Constitution around. The government has long ago violated the contract with The People.

Whenever the government acts in any manner, ask yourself if the government is acting Constitutionally utilizing its limited powers to secure your rights, or if it is acting unconstitutionally usurping the authority of the people to restrict, or to eliminate, your rights. If the government is becoming destructive of the ends of securing the rights of the people, then it may be time to alter or abolish that government and to institute new government. It is not just our right, it is our duty to do so, as directed by our forefathers, to preserve freedom for our posterity.

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