E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Don't Care

I've heard that there's some sort of international law against officers and crew of a ship being armed. If true it's just another really stupid law by the worlds fascists, especially in the pirate infested wayers.

How is international law created anyway? How is it enforced? If I was running cargo ships in those waters I'd ignore any such law. They can stick it up their collective asses.

It's been suggested that cargo ships hire/contract security. If I was one of those security guys, I'd bring a bag full of guns and pass them out to the crew.

1 comment:

GunGeek said...

What I've heard is that the real issue is that a huge percentage of the ports in the world (probably ours included) don't allow ships to come into port with guns (or at least the real fun guns) on board.

Doesn't matter if they're locked up in the safe while in port or whatever. Have them on your ship and you end up in a foreign hoosegow.