E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, October 27, 2008


A lot of us liberty minded use the term 'slippery slope' meaning that one step, poorly taken, could easily lead to a monumental fall on the ass. A better term just might be incremental, because that's just what I've witnessed in my life.

Incremental actions pass unnoticed. Each step is a minor inconvenience in itself. Each step moves the bar forward. Each step elicits moans, but no real resistance. If the Righteous had tried a total ban on smoking or special queues for booze in the 1980’s, there would have been outrage and very possibly riots. How could we deny them that one non-smoking carriage on the train? It was only fair. When did it become a no-smoking train with only one smoking carriage? Does anyone remember the steps that led from one to the other? It was one step more, one increment, to remove that last smoking carriage. Imagine what the reaction would have been if they had done that in one move.

As Kim says We’re talking about how our freedoms, our liberties and our enjoyment of life are all being curtailed bit by bit, step by step, by people who know (or think they know) how we should best live our own lives.

We're talking about 'liberals', 'progressives', . . . Demorats.

The Europeans who love Obama so much have never lived a lofe of liberty like we have. I can excuse them because of their profound ignorance. I see no excuse for those here.

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