E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Saturday, October 25, 2008


A while back I saw a movie about a US President that was purely fiction. Though I disagree with this fictitious president's general philosophy, there was one thing he said in the show that is the absolute truth. It was something like 'being President is all about character'.

The candidate: One, has a profound belief that the Constitution is the supreme law of this nation, two, displays honesty that withstands scrutiny and three, accepts our American culture.

Obama opposes free speech and gun ownership; he wants a cop-on-the-corner program with the cops answering to him.

Obama has been a supporter of the Chicago and similar Washington, D.C., gun control laws. The Supreme Court found the ban unconstitutional.

In a July 2 speech in Colorado Springs, Obama said, "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." The "national security force" Obama wants will be 3 million people answerable to him.

He has been far from forthcoming regarding his relationship with William Ayers and others who are well-documented.

Obama often referred to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright as a "friend ... mentor" who inspired him.

In his TV spots regarding John McCain and Sarah Palin and their positions on abortion and stem cell research, Obama states they oppose stem cell research and would prohibit abortions "even in cases of rape and incest." Fact: They oppose embryonic stem cell research but support adult stem cell research. Neither has ever by word or deed said they oppose abortion "even in the case of rape or incest." Obama is lying.

We know 35 percent of wage earners do not pay income tax. How can Obama be viewed as truthful when he promises a tax cut to 90 percent of the wage earners when only 65 percent pay taxes?

The purpose of taxes is to pay for essential government services, accepting that some waste and foolishness will occur. Is bailing out bankers who made bad loans or those who took them your responsibility? . . . Obama wants to expand free meals in school. Why should you pay to feed my neighbors' kids breakfast and lunch? How is that fair?

Why should the American people trust our freedom to a man who has shown his opposition to the Constitutional safeguards that protect us, a man who is proven to have as his closest advisers felons and a radical bomber whose stated goal is to overturn our government? Is a man whose own words to "Joe the plumber" explained his belief that we should take the money from the "haves" and give it to those who have less, the man we want in charge of the IRS?

Yes, . . . . it's all about character. And that man's character is among the lowest. God help us if he's elected.

1 comment:

Haji said...

"Obama is lying." I can't see why so many people can't get this. Not only lying, but continuing to do so. It amazes me that so many people think he's "new and fresh" in politics, when his ideas as the same socialist crap that the left wing of the Democrat party has been pushing for 40 years. Maybe we'll get lucky and all the fools that are so smitten with this idiot will forget to get out and vote. It stands to reason; if they're going to look that shallowly at their candidate, they obviously have better things to do.