E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What Good Can a Handgun do Against an Army?

On a different blog one commenter asked me a similar question. My only response was that I believe the majority of our military would be on our side, the citizen. But my only powerful response, if it is powerful, was that without guns there wouldn't even be a contest.

This is a long read, but woth the effort. The question is answered a whole lot better than I dreamed.

Here's a teaser.

But consider what a million pistols, or a hundred million pistols (which may approach the actual number of handguns in the U.S. today), can mean to the military planner who seeks to carry out operations against a populace so armed. Mention "Afghanistan" or "Chechnya" to a member of the current Russian military hierarchy and watch them shudder at the bloody memories.

Consider that there are at least as many firearms-- handguns, rifles and shotguns-- as there are citizens of the United States. Consider that last year there were more than 14 million Americans who bought licenses to hunt deer in the country. 14 million-- that's a number greater than the largest five professional armies in the world combined.

The Second Amendment is a political issue today only because of the military reality that underlies it. Politicians who fear the people seek to disarm them. People who fear their government's intentions refuse to be disarmed. The Founders understood this. So, too, does every tyrant who ever lived. Liberty-loving Americans forget it at their peril.

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