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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Concentration Camp Near Krakow Poland

The part I'll never forget for the rest of my life was the guided tour through the first(?) Nazi concentration camp in Poland. It’s where the evil men perfected their methods of abuse and mass murder. When the Nazis invaded Poland, with help from Russia on the west, they incarcerated all clerics, politicians, academics and scientists in an old Polish army military base. Just wearing glasses to see was cause to be imprisoned because they made you look like an academic. Later they added Jews to the mix. Prisoners were stripped of all their belongings, including their hair that was used to weave fabric for the German military. That’s also where gas chambers were developed.

As thousands of Jews were rounded up, two more camps were built nearby. The second camp was huge. I’d guess it was at least 1 square mile, with living conditions that we’d consider cruel to animals. There were 3 large gas chambers and many furnaces for disposing of bodies. We were told that 3,000 people lost their lives each and every day for 5 years.

The Boss wanted to go there, but I didn’t, and I’ll never, ever go back to that place of such evil. I was fluctuating between extreme sadness and barely controllable anger throughout the tour. The only explanation for such cruelty is evil, pure and simple.

Anybody that doesn’t believe in evil people should visit that place. It becomes obvious that not only are acts evil, but people are evil. The only way to stop evil people is to destroy them. They can’t be rehabilitated.

Never, ever give up your right to self-defense. Never, ever give up your arms. Another Nazi regime is just a breath away.

Most all of the wooden barns were destroyed, but most of the brick buildingd remain. The 3 gas chambers were hidden way back in the trees.

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