E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Thursday Off

Every 3 months the Boss gets a couple of injections in her sacrum area.  Apparently past injuries have caused the bones to be slightly out of position, and there is arthritis.  Without the shots she is in constant pain.  She also has a nerve block implant in her lower spine.

Last Thursday I took her for her shots, then took the rest of the day off work.  I took my little mare for a ride of about 2 hours.  I wanted to go farther, but all the mud made the footing treacherous. The weather was cool so she was energetic and a little feisty.  It was a fun ride, but without the Boss.

I suspect that the time will come when the Boss can no longer go on the trail rides.  That will certainly hurt her spirit, because she loves it so much.  She got me hooked on riding the trails, and I enjoy just being with my horse.  I don't plan on quitting even if she eventually has to.

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