E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, September 16, 2018

We managed to hit the trail today after about 5 weeks.  Both horses were 'fresh' especially my little mare.  We were about half way through our ride when she finally settled down.  She wasn't squirely the whole time, just spurts of high energy and ignoring what I was telling her.  Despite that we had a nice early morning ride.

I checked out whether the new saddle pad had the desired effect.  Glad to say it did.  There was no evidence that the back of the saddle skirt rubbed on her at all.

After 5 hours at a local festival, and a short ride this morning, my arthritic hip and the Bosses back are sore.

Since I just finished a home project, maybe I can get to the range next weekend.

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