E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Something Wrong With Them

The Boss and I have 2 horses and 2 dogs.  Not sure about the horses, but we'll probably always have a dog or 2 living with us.  We can't imagine any other life style.

The other day she said that those that don't like animals have something wrong with them.  My father-in law and my sister-in-law don't like animals.  Obviously I conclude that there's something wrong with them.

My sister really likes animals.  She has 2 dogs, 2 cats and 2 guinea pigs.  That seems a bit much.  Might be something wrong with her as well.

We find that the dogs enrich our life and reduce stress.  The same with the horses, but to a lesser degree but only because they don't live with us.  The stress and hassle of daily life seems to disappear when I'm at the barn or riding.

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