E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Eight years ago I was genuinely surprised that the public actually let themselves be duped by Obama.  How could the citizens actually swallow the crap he vomited.  Then 4 years ago I was disgusted that he was actually elected again.  How utterly stupid are the people of this country?  Can't they recognize a corrupt used car salesman when they see one? 

So I'm not surprised that Hillary has such a following.  And I won't be surprised, though disappointed, if the ignorant and stupid elect her.  How many examples around the world and historical are required for people to realize that the socialism being sold, and especially run by corrupt politicians, is catastrophic for the populous.  Hell we've been living it for 8 years, and will only get worse with her at the helm.

He was and is not my first choice, but he beats the hell out of the alternative.

Hoping for the best.  Hoping the people of this country are smarter than I suspect.

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