E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Holster Fit

When I bought the holster for my Kimber I checked the fit by holding it upside down with the pistol in it.  It didn't fall out so I was good to go, and never gave it another thought. That was several years ago.  Today it was put to the test.

The Boss and I were on horseback today, learning our horses and how to control them.  An experienced horseman has absolutely no problem with either animal, but we have a bit to learn.  At one point my horse went to both front knees.  I don't know if something I did caused him to go down or if he just had a moment of clumsiness.  An experienced horseman rode him for a couple minutes with no issues, so I climbed back on with nothing but a very bruised butt. 

I went over his head, a bit to one side, landed on my hip and rolled.  I landed and rolled, and the gun stayed where it belonged.  I think that's good holster fit.

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