E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

70 Year Liberation Anniversity

Several years ago I too visited that place of horrors.  The Boss wanted to go, but I didn't.  We saw a wall filled with bullet holes, where the lucky ones expired.  We saw tiny rooms where prisoners were locked, so small that they died a slow death standing still.  We saw large rooms filled with hair, false teeth, wooden legs, and even baby shoes.  We saw holes in wooden planks where some expired due to crapping themselves to death.  And yes we also walked through the gas chamber.

We went there as part of a vacation, happy and cheerful.  We left just the opposite.  I for one felt the most extreme anger combined with the most extreme tear filled sadness.  Any one who visits Auschwitz and doesn't leave with extreme emotion is less than human.

I didn't want to go there, but I'm glad I did.
I will never, ever, go there again.

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