E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How Can it be That Long Ago

In a few days the Boss and I will be off to Amana Iowa and then Springfield Illinois for a few days of get away, just the 2 of us. Amana is just a place to go and chill for a while, and Springfield has some Abraham Lincoln stuff, with more chill out time. Nothing special about the trip, but something a little special as to why now. This Saturday marks 40 years of being married.

I managed to snag a very special woman. No one else would've put up with me all these years.
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We'll be in Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. I'll need to be extra careful in Illinois. The other 2 states respect a persons right to self-defense.


Kevin said...

Kudos to you both. It's a team effort. My wife and I are going on sixteen years together. Best mistake I ever made.

Unknown said...

Happy belated anniversary! 40 years is a good stretch. . . here's to 40 more!