E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Friday, May 20, 2011


Last week I had a job interview in the afternoon, following a prostate ultrasound that morning. I've been getting it up the ass the last few years by the government. I'm getting used to it. Not one of my best days, especially since I haven't heard a thing from the company where I interviewed.

I had another interview this week, a different company, where I was tag-teamed by 5 people sequentially. By the time I got to number 3 I was completely bored out of my mind. How many times is a guy expected to answer the same questions?

In both cases my background meets about 80% of their requirements. In years past that would be enough to get an offer from at least one of them if not both. Not today! I don't expect to hear back from either. Thank you Fed. government for screwing up our economy.

So I'll continue to be a temporary employee, through an agency, with no benefits. I've been temporary for 16 months now. Right now I'm paying COBRA more than a weeks pay every month for health insurance. That will end in 2 months, because my eligibility runs out. Thanks again Fed. government for screwing up my life. Well at least I have a job.

Speaking of the Fed., they've been anything but honest. No surprise there. If they were figuring unemployment and inflation like back in the Carter era, our unemployment would be around 15% with a 10% inflation rate. Lying bastards.

There's also a rumor that the money juggling to get us past the debt ceiling is at least partially stealing money from federal employee's retirement fund. Nothing new there either. They've been stealing social security money for decades.

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