E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Woods (or Range) Report

The Boss, her sister and brother-in-law joined me at some private property today for some plinking, and that we did. We also spent some time sitting in the beautiful weather and blabbing.

About 2 years ago the brother-in-law purchased a Sig .22 rim fire called the mosquito. From day 1, and even after a trip back to Sig it's been nothing but trouble. He finally found that CCI Mini-Mag ammo will function in the pistol, and nothing else. He traded "that piece of crap" as he called it, and bought a Ruger with the 45 grip frame. The Ruger was with him today and it digested all sorts of 22 rim fire without so much as a hickup, as did my Browning Buckmark. We were shooting from a can containing all sorts of odds and ends ammo.

He also brought along his AR that he assembled himself for it's initial trial. He loaded a magazine with some reloaded 223 and proceeded to shoot a 5 shot burst at full auto. That surprised me a little, so I asked him if he put a select fire mechanism in there. He replied negatively. He fired a few more full auto bursts and so did I. Now that was a blast of great fun, though it wasn't supposed to work that way.

I brought my own AR and a small supply of PPU ammo because I wanted the Boss to give it a try. Unfortunately she refused, so I loaded some in the brother-in-laws AR. I didn't want to use up his ammo. Anyway, with my stuff it would fire 1 round only. I guess he went full auto due to the floating firing pin and the Winchester primers he used. The harder primers in the Mil. stuff didn't have that problem. Looks like he has some tuning to do.

The Boss ran a few magazines through her little Bersa 380. She's starting to get a little better with it, but we need to get it out more often than every 3 months. Yeah it's been 3 months since I squeezed the trigger on anything, and then it was only a single Mag through one of my 45s.

Today I ran 4 Mags of 9mm through the Kahr PM9, 1 through her Bersa and several hundred round of 22 through the Buckmark. My skill level approached my norm towards the end of the session. With my scheduled surgery coming in 2 weeks, unfortunately it's going to be another few months before I can launch lead the next time.


aaronspuler said...

How do you like that Kahr? I considered a Kahr but ended up purchasing a Kel-Tec PF-9 about a year ago. It's a light, small gun that goes with me everywhere. It took a little bit of practice to shoot accurately, but based on my recommendations (and firing it themselves) I know of two, possibly three, people that have purchased one for themselves.

trajectory said...

I looked at the Kel-Tec before purchasing the Kahr, but found the Kahr to have a shorter trigger reach for my stubby little hands.

If I remember correctly(?) the Kahr PM9 is actually smaller than the PF-9. Thickness roughly the same but shorter barrel and grip. My pinky hangs in space. All dimensions considered it's actually smaller, and lighter than the Boss's Bersa 380. Unfortunately a 9mm of that size and weight also comes with a healthier price tag.

My preferred carry gun is my Kimber UltraCarry 45. Aluminum frame, 3" barrel and shorter grip that standard. I have a Kel-Tec P3AT (380) for pocket carry and wanted something in-between. The Kahr PM9 fits the bill quite well. It's accurate, more so than it has any right or need to be. The trigger stroke is a bit long, especially for a guy that prefers single action pistols, but it's light and butter smooth. Best of all it's bad-guy-drop-dead reliable. Yeah, I like it.