E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Amusing or Disgusting

I can't decide if it's amusing or simply disgusting when I see a Democrat and a Republican play the blame game.

Blame the Republicans and especially Bush for the debt and the recession. The fiscal policies, war and the banking collapse are all on his shoulders.

Blame the Democrats/Obama for the huge deficit, high debt and run-away spending that has no provable benefit to the economy.

Yes, the recent forced socialism and out of control spending falls squarely on the Evil party (Democrats). They'll never understand, or admit they understand, that huge government spending has not and will not help the economy. Naturally they don't care because they are all socialists at heart, so growing government control is a good thing in their eyes. Also, they wouldn't understand fiscal responsibility if it hit them squarely in the face.

The Republicans are not innocent of this mess by any stretch of the imagination. The stupid party hasn't been conservative and fiscally responsible for a long time. In fact I believe they've become the old Democrat party, the way it was in the past. But blaming Bush for all the country ills is just wrong. A lot of the stuff now being complained about was due to Democrat controlled committees and Democrat controlled congress.

If it wasn't for the conservative movement and the TEA party demonstrations we'd have socialism and socialism light. We can also thank them for at least stalling the "fundamental change" that the socialists are determined to bring about.

The only "fundamental change" I'm interested in seeing is a return to the system as it was originally intended. Let's bring back free markets, capitalism, individual liberty and responsibility, the rule of law (for all) and especially small government. These concepts have proven to work well. Why would we get away from them?

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