E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Friday, January 30, 2009


E-mailed to me from a reader - - -

This 'stimulus' package is the biggest crock in our country's history. A very tiny part of this TRILLION dollars will actually find it's way to us tax payers. The rest is going to all the pigs lined up at the trough, greedily lapping up their special pork projects!! This is being forced down our throats by using the word 'stimulus', when in actually it is the single largest boost to the federal budget that has EVER been demanded by our representatives. Their eyes are glazed over with anticipation, and they think we should just lay down & pay for it. They already dispersed 350 BILLION of our dollars, with no oversight. None what so ever! All the money just disappeared into bank pockets, with not one dollar going to help with any mortgages. I feel so darn helpless to stop this fraud! Why in the world would anyone think that the same politicians who have allowed this mess to happen, could possible be able to can fix it?? We are putting the rooster in charge of the hen house, and if you think that anything good can come of it, you are crazy! I want to be positive, I want to trust and believe, however, this is getting beyond absurd. Our country is crumbling, WE ARE BROKE, and OUR money is being thrown up in the air for the biggest to grab and run off to hide with. I call bullshit. If we gotta bail out this government, then so be it. But, the money is not being used to help WE THE PEOPLE. Want to help the economy? They should: Make unemployment tax free.....immediately. Allow those in need to feed their families. Drop the tax rate immediately. Allow us to keep more each month. Drop small business tax rates immediately. Allow jobs to be created. Make those greedy bailed out banks give new loans so as to refinance our homes (that have dropped so dramatically in value) at a super low rate of interest, adjusted to the current tax value of the homes, which would allow people to make their payments. Offer us great incentives for all those repo'd house to be bought back at lower realistic payments. DO NOT build/improve/upgrade federal buildings, buy 600 MILLION worth of new federal cars, give 50 million for ART, 1 billion to AMTRAK, no money for global warming or carbon 'capture', no foreign birth control, no 650 MILLION MORE or our tvs, no ACORN. WE ARE BROKE!! Our political leaders, from the prez to our local dog catcher better cut out the B.S., get real, and realize that this country is in a world of hurt. QUIT STEALING MY MONEY YOU GREEDY PIGS.

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