E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What a Bunch of Stupid Voters - Self-destruction

Well we've done it to ourselves. A guy named Marx wrote that the average people doesn't have the intelligence to choose their own leader.

Here's what's coming according to this guy.

High Taxes
Gun Control
State ownership of capital
Constitutional reconstructionism through the courts
Nanny government and oppressive regulation
A weak, impotent military
Inept foreign policy
Trial lawyers and liberal judges
Internationalist subservience to the United Nations
Socialized medical care
Stronger labor unions
Racism (hiring- and college enrolment quotas)
Class warfare
Voter fraud
Lax immigration controls
Wealth redistributionism
Hostility towards business, and capitalism in general
Over-aggressive environmentalism
Support for failed social programs

I agree totally. Seen it before.

I guess we get what we deserve.

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