E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Survived Another One

We made it through another family and later friends gathering. This was a rare event because there wasn't a fight. It seems that 90% of the time there's some sort of arguement that's accompanied by somebody grabbing their coat and stomping out early. This time the looney liberals are happy and didn't gloat, and us conservatives kept our opinions to ourselves. No talking about politics, economy or religeon makes for a more enjoyable holiday.

One of the Boss's friends is now the proud owner of a .38 snubby, given to her by her retired deputy sheriff father. It's her first gun, and she's been wanting one for a while for self-protection. He gave it to her on the condition that she get training. I find it strange that the daughter of a LEO doesn't know how to handle a gun.

The Boss has become very concerned about the economy and the newly elected government. She's the one who thinks I don't have enough ammo in the house, and is concerned about break-ins. She insisted that we get a safe, and she's the one who picked it out. The safe is for her jewelry and my more expensive guns. Last winter on a cruise I bought her jewelry in the 5 digits, so that goes in the safe. It'll also contain most of my high valued weapons, like the 2 family passed down Winchesters. Naturally a few guns will be easier to reach, just in case.

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