E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lost The Battle of The Vote

I've been in my work room / armory trying to straighten up a little bit. I turned on the TV and while doing other things caught the last of the movie Flight 93(?). It's a dramatization of the 911 attacks and particularly about the only air craft that didn't hit it's target. It was stopped by a group of REAL AMERICANS.

I wonder how many real Americans we still have in this country. Those volunteering for and serving in the armed forces are certainly REAL AMERICANS. But the recent election has proven that about 50% of the voting public do not qualify. It's not about the economy. It's not about getting bailed out of stupid or lazy decisions. It's not about being a worker bee. It's not about being taken care of. It's about being independant. It's about being individually responsible. A mass of individual responsibility is much stronger than a group of social worker bees.

It's mostly about being at war. We're at war from within and from foreign lands. We're being attacked by those that would destroy our individuality. We're also at war from the cancer called socialism. That cancer is ever working to destroy all it means to be American.

It's been recently reported that gun sales are up about 8% across the country, and it's jumped up to 50% near the election. I'm not saying that only real Americans own guns, but having a choice is really American. Some are buying while they can. Others are getting prepared for a fighting war on our own soil. And that's because, as a nation we've not fought as we should with our vote. The Real America lost the battle at the ballot box.

I wonder. How many of us even recognize that we're fighting these wars?

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