E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Pack Member

So I’m in Hell Michigan enjoying paintball despite abusing my sore gout, arthritic infested foot while the Boss takes advantage of my absence. Saturday night I’m sitting by the camp fire with an ice bag on my foot when the oldest son checks his cell phone voice mail.

He says ‘mom left a message for you to call her’. My immediate thought is ‘oh shit’, I’ve got to pack up and head home. You see her father lives with us. He’s 87 and has a pig valve in his heart, so I immediately thought the worst. Thankfully that wasn’t it at all.

Over the phone she says; ‘I just happened to stop by the animal shelter and found a sweet Siberian husky. I’ve adopted it for $75 that includes spaying.’ That wouldn’t be so bad except we have a Siberian husky that insists on being the local boss of every dog she comes in contact with. Unless there’s immediate recognition that she’s the boss dog, the fight is on. Bringing another dog into the mix just may be a bit interesting.

Last night we picked up the new husky named Ginger. Her estimated age is 3 years. Ginger is muted red and white with light blue eyes, and she’s far from husky. She looks like she’s been traveling for a while. That’s the skinniest husky I’ve ever seen. So far Amber, our 7 year old Siberian, has grudgingly accepted the newcomer. Amber is the boss and Ginger knows it. The only real problem so far has been regarding food. There’s 2 food bowls separated by about 15 feet, but with the same dog food. Amber seems to think both bowls are for her.

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