E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I would like to see John Browning brought back from the dead in order to hand Gaston Glock his ass. I figure that it would take Browning two weeks to learn the progress that has been made in materials, and then six weeks later, we would have a pistol, rifle and shotgun that would make the glock, the mossberg, and the AR obsolete.

I would like to see these commercials for baby boomers to be yanked from the air. Trying to rewrite the sixties as this great evolutionary leap in mankind is crap. You guys really screwed things up with your "free love," "Turn on, tune in, drop out," and "if it feels good, do it" attitudes. If we survive your fuck-ups it will be entirely due to the efforts of diligent and courageous men and women like the fine Americans whom you spat upon.

Doc Russia

I really and truly do not understand the Democrats. As a party, they make no sense at all. We have one guy coming out of the Democrat parlor meeting pissed off that the 30 guys on this committee throw out the votes of six hundred thousand voters... and this is a horrible bad bad thing. Yet not one democrat even raised an eyebrow when one judge threw out the votes of MILLIONS of voters in California over the issue of gay marriage. What is the deal? Which way do they want it? Votes count, or appointed lords rule the land... which is it? It's real simple... we set rules and proceedures on representatives and voting... and the representatives are held to follow the will of the people... the will voiced by votes. You follow that rule, plain and simple... or we have a failure of our system of government... we no longer have a Republic and we are no longer citizens... we become Subjects. Well, fuck that. I'm no Subject. I am a Citizen.

The Mad Ogre

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