E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Politicians . . . Piss on Em

According to what I just saw on the TV, it's illegal to drill for oil in US waters off the coast, in Amwar (that place in Alaska) and to process shale oil found in the Rocky Mountains. It was also said that we have 3 times the Saudi oil in Rocky Mountain shale. In addition, unlike other modern industrial countries, we haven't built a nuclear power plant in decades. These restrictive laws were passed by our legislature under pressure from the tree huggers.

Now some of the same legislatures are throwing their hands up in the air wanting us to become independant of oil and promoting their favorite technology. They have the perfect solution for the condition they caused in the first place. And most all of these solutions either take decades to implement, and/or cause food shortages or are simply ineffective. The only thing a politician is good at is being a politician. They don't know shit about the rest of the world.

I particularly get pissed when they play at being upset about what they created.

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