E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Thursday, June 12, 2008


The very few times I played the lottery here in Ohio was before all the 'scratch cards' & stuff. You paid a couple bucks for the chance at a million. Then it occured to me that the chances of winning weren't any better by playing than not playing at all. So I haven't given the state 1 single penney that way since.

Ever notice who regularly plays? Yep, those that really can't afford to loose, but over time they always do.

Despite all that, like The Captain, I like the state run lottery.

Heck, most of the "players" are just giving our money back to us anyway. We give them money through food stamps, section 8 housing and welfare and they promptly hand a portion of it back (heck, some hand it ALL back) without complaint at the counter of the local 7-11. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Would it be illegal if anyone other than the government did it? Of course. So what? So would most anything else the government does.

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