E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, April 14, 2008

From Up North

Our healthcare is certainly not up to par for the extraordinary amount of tax dollars dumped into the flawed system.

And I suspect it's actually worse in the UK. So tell me again why some are pushing for government run health care?

However, it appears now the only support remaining for the gun registry comes not from the taxpayers, but from oppositions parties. We have seen the cost overruns. It currently costs more than $80-million a year to operate. We have seen an increase in violent crimes involving guns, particularly handguns which have been registered since 1934. We experienced another shooting in Montreal at Dawson College. Dawson illustrates the exact reason why the registering of guns fails to improve safety. Registering focuses on the gun and not the individual behind the firearm.

The same results are documented in Australia and the UK. So why would anyone in this country want more liberty restricting gun controls?

Gun control is the only kind of policy that we have where the proponents of it will point to its utter failure as evidence that we need even more of it.

Oh yeah. I forgot about that twisted logic. We certainly have our share.

HT to Alphecca.

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