E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Monday, March 3, 2025

Ishapore Continued

 So after a lot of looking I found and ordered a scout mount made to fit Enfield No1 MkIII which is the same as my Ishapore but with a different chambering. I thought this would be the solution to my scout scope mounting issue. But I was wrong. The new mount would not fit down between the ears because one side of the ears was not parallel. Using a rotary tool I ground away the inside of one side until the new mount would fit. Every thing is now good? Nope.

As it turns out a mounted scope is at an angle to the barrel. At just 25 feet there's barely enough cross hair adjustment to align with a laser bore sighter. The thickness of a business card on opposite sides of the mounting rings fixes that issue. This is only a temporary way to measure the angle that needs correcting. Back to the gunsmith it goes.

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On the bright side, the same company makes a scout mount for my Swiss K31. It's a very solid mount and fit very well. I mounted a Hi-Lux LER scope, and found the combination very satisfactory. I'll be working on hand loads now.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Ishapor Scout

 Several years ago I acquired an Ishapore Enfield that had been chopped up. The barrel was shortened and the wood poorly modified. I couldn't hit squat with it due to the shortened sight radius and old eyes. I had a gunsmith make a scout scope mount, and attached a Nikon long eye relief scope. The best I could get was 1-1/4" group at 100 yards with handloads or factory ammunition.

Not satisfied I recently took it to a different gunsmith to have the barrel threaded for a muzzle device. The idea is to choose the best grouping ammunition, and tune the barrel harmonics, by the position of the device to improve consistency. So far I've not been able to test this out.

The rifle was disassembled to thread the barrel, as was the scope base. As it turns out, the base was not well made. It uses the pin in the original rear sight and can move horizontally at least 0.015 side to side. It can move far enough to be beyond scope zero adjustment. A redesign is in order. 

I probably could buy a scout rifle for less money than this will eventually cost. But I'm enjoying the project.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Fire & Hearing

 For most of my life I expected, at some time, California would drop into the ocean. 

Never thought that it would burn to the ground.

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I knew for a time that I've lost some high frequency hearing. The Boss has wanted me to get my hearing checked for a year or two. I sometimes have trouble understanding what she says, especially when she's not looking at me. This week I went for a hearing test and learned a couple things. My high frequency hearing is absolutely terrible. That means that some words or parts of words I can't hear, so at times comprehension is a problem. 

I'm now wearing hearing aids programmed to amplify high frequency sounds. The amplification will be increased over time, maybe for a year or two, to give my brain time to adjust to the new stimulus. I'm now hearing some minor sounds that I don't remember hearing before.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Swiss K31

 That old Swiss K31 is near the top of my list of favorite old military rifles. I put an aperture rear sight on it years ago, but never shot it much because of aging eyes. Recently I installed a scope base where the rear iron sight was, and then attached an old Tasco 1.25-4X pistol scope. The eye relief of that pistol scope is a bit too long with it mounted centered over the iron sight location. So I bought an extra low cantilever ring set to move the scope towards the muzzle, that will not fit the base in the position I need. Also, outside to outside distance of the rings is too long for the scope. So I need to modify the base, the ring set or buy a different scope. I ordered a different scope with a shorter eye relief, but may still need to modify one or both of the other two.

Will just have to see how it works out.,

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Scopes & More

Received the scout mount for the Swiss and the 2x Burris for the 454 revolver. Mounted the Burris on the big revolver and bore sighted it with a laser.

Using the new scout base, mounted the Tasco 1.25-4x pistol scope on the Swiss K31 and bore sighted it with a laser.

When the weather clears, I'll take them to the range for adjusting.

Several years ago I acquired a 30 Cal carbine. That thing has been a lot of fun over the years shooting what ever ammo I could get. Recently I decided to start reloading ammo for that little carbine. When resizing the brass, material was being smeared toward the base. As it turns out the transition up into the die was not smooth. There was a slight ridge that a local gun smith corrected.  I'll be loading some trial ammo for the next range trip.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Islam Extreme?

 Once again the term 'radicalized' or 'extremist' islam is coming from the talking heads. They're either lying or ignorant. If you do a minimal amount of research you'll find there is nothing radical or extreme about those of islam killing the non-believers. A book titled Unveiling Islam, by 2 brothers raised in that religion, explains that their 'prophet' and founder condones and even encourages murder. As I remember he said that if you can not convert them, imprison them, then kill them.

Those that say islam is a peaceful religion have their heads up their collective asses. So let's stop pussy-footing around and tell it like it is.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Pistol Scope

Found an old Tasco 1.25-4x pistol scope. Don't know where it came from, but appears like new. Thinking about putting it on a Ruger Super Redhawk 454 Casull. Have a Bushnell 2-6x on it now that is still functional but a little beat up. 

Have inquired about the Tasco ruggedness. Regardless of the reply, if any, I may go with a Burris 2x due to the high recoil. Fixed power should be tougher, and I seldom cranked the Bushnell above 2x anyway.

In any case I'll be putting a scope on a straight pull Swiss 7.5x55 in the scout configuration.  Either the Tasco or the Bushnell.

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Pulled the Bushnell off the 454 today. It's still functional but beat up to hell and back. The magnification ring is lose, and the housing material has been smeared by the rings. Ordered a fixed 2x Burris to replace it. 

Decided to not trust the Tasco with that kind of recoil. I'll put it on the Swiss.