E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hope They Succeed

I wonder if the law suits will succeed in stopping ObamaCare. First several states and now a group of doctors are challenging it as well.

"I think this bill that passed threatens not only to destroy our freedom in medicine but to bankrupt the country," said Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

The Arizona-based medical coalition filed suit on March 26, arguing that congressional reforms illegally coerce individuals into buying insurance from private companies.

The Evil Party says it will fail, and the Stupid Party says they have a good case. I hope they can stop this BS, but I'm not holding my breath.


I sat down and watched O'Reilly this evening after doing my nightly KP. Part way through the show Alan Colmes (spelling?) was one of his quests. What a pinhead! Now I understand the need to be "fair and balanced" but this guy was simply insulting. He said that opposing Obama's agenda has a large racial component. According to him we, no I, am a racist. That's pure BS on a grand scale. It seems he just can't admit that We The People have an opinion and voice that has nothing to do with the color of a persons skin or political party affiliation.

When we disagree with what our government is doing, we have the right, no the duty to sound off as loudly as we want.

Behind Our Backs

Don't you just love the clueless, those that claim Obama is not and will not come after our guns? They must be ignorant, or dishonest, because he is supporting the UN Small Arms Treaty that reportedly will:

Enact tougher licensing requirements,

CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL "unauthorized" civilian firearms

BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons

Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry

If I'm not mistaken, if ratified, this will greatly encroach on our right to own and bear arms as is protected by the 2A, and it will prevail over our constitution.

So if Obama has been mute on this issue, it's because he's been scheming behind our backs, as usual.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Gun Show

It's been a while since I attended one of the nearly monthly gun shows in the area, but I went today. I saw a couple of K31s for $300-$350. I paid $80 for mine a while back. I was going to pick up some bullets to start loading 380 as the Boss suggested, but since I don't have 380 brass and she's yet to shoot her new Firestorm I passed. I did buy a brick of Winchester small pistol primers and a brick of 22LR.

I remember when pistol primers went for $10-$12 a brick, now they're pushing $40.

One of the vendors told me there's an 18% sales tax on ammo and guns. Seems like the government(s) is trying to disarm The People by taxing us to death. Now that they control our health, I'm sure that'll be another excuse to increase taxes on anything related to guns.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

One Arrives and One Leaves This World

Yesterday my sister-in-law became a great grandmother, and she's my age, not yet 60. Her jobless and unmarried daughter, living with them, has a jobless 18 year old and unmarried daughter, also living with them. The unmarried 18 year old gave birth to a boy, who is now also living with them. There are now 4 generations, 5 people, living in that house with just a single retired but part time job holder footing all the bills. Don't we live in wonderful times? Thank God the Boss did a much better job raising our boys to become independent, self sufficient, and responsible men.


Today the Boss and I went to a funeral service of a fine man, an ex-LEO. The Boss is almost one of the family. Two of his great grand children and our own grand son are spending the night. The 2 happen to also be girls we've unofficially adopted as our own grand children. Being with us helps the adults deal with their loss without affecting the kids so much. The man died a slow and lingering death. Hopefully he's now in a better place.

We've been to too many funerals the last few years. I guess it comes with the territory of pushing 60.

Friday, March 26, 2010

In The Teeth of - - - - ism

The REAL Americans among us have been talking, no warning, about "slippery slopes" for some years now. Last fall the second foot was placed on the icy slope, and down we go into the jaws of government control. The teeth of Marxism, socialism or some other as yet unknown "ism has teeth firmly set in the flesh of liberty. The massive spending combined with government control of medical services, financial institutions and industry has sealed the fate of this country. We are no longer the "great hope for liberty". We were, but no more.

As DirtCrashr says.
243 years was a pretty good run as far as Nations go, better than most.
Fallen to greed, avarice, lust, and sloth - the stock-in-trade of the Evil Party
against which the spineless fecal-eating maggots of the Stupid Party could not
stand - they caved.
Israel had better look out for it's own welfare now, the
US has had its balls cut off. In a few years from now, just as relentlessly as
in Canada and all across Europe, we'll be hearing announcements of necessary
defense cuts in order to prop up the grossly unsustainable costs of Big
Government, while the political class of John Edwards' real Two Americas builds
a monument to itself. I wonder when the law against a Continuing Presidency will
be overturned, next year? We have already joined the ranks of Banana Republics
with this craven act.

There's a Bible quote Forgive them for they know not what they do. In
this case I'm afraid they know exactly what they've done, and it has nothing to
do with helping anyone but their own desire to destroy liberty in favor of
government control.

Attributed to Dingell, and again from DirtCrashr.

Let me remind you this [Americans allegedly dying because of lack
of universal health care] has been going on for years. We are bringing it to
a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you're going to pass legislation
that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long
time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the
legislation together to control the people.

If you listen closely, the truth comes out. CONTROL THE PEOPLE

There is still a glimmer of hope, a very faint light down the dark tunnel. Several states are filing suit against the Fed, and just maybe the next elections can help. But my fear is that it's all too late. The People have gotten too soft, too reliant on Gov and fallen asleep at the switch. I fear that only a repeat of the Civil War can set us back on the right track, and we just don't have the stomach for that anymore. At least not enough of us. We've become too European.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Culture Struggle

I find it interesting that while the Fed has been leaping, not stepping, over the line the states are going in the opposite direction. State after state has backed away from infringing on citizens rights. Most states now have right to carry laws, while 2 have no laws against any carry method, with a third poised to join them.

With the Fed taking a giant leap (health care after taking control of private industry) towards Marxism, something like 30 states are getting ready to challenge the new law in court. Other states have previously taken a shot across the bow by enacting laws and resolutions challenging the Fed's authority to regulate firearms within state borders.

So the Fed is heading towards Marxism an the states are fighting back by asserting states rights (federalism). And the people through the TEA Party movement are yelling also.

We're now in the a cultural struggle to change the very nature of this country. One side is pushing towards an overpowering central government, and the other fighting back for our traditional bottom up authority.

I vaguely remember a quote about the liberty tree requiring watering with blood.

I wonder if this parallels the times before the civil war.

Us old farts might remember this from school. I'm sure it's not in todays curriculum.

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . . . . But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. . . .

What's Next to Destroy the USA??

Does having health care reform 'out of the way' move 'gun control' up on administration's agenda?

Of course it does. Gun control/confiscation is one of the pieces of the REAL agenda to totally control The People from on high. Why else would they be pushing for the UN arms treaty to be passed that would, by the constitution, circumvent US laws.

Total government control of health care is in effect control of The People. It can be almost as effective as controlling the food supply. Then add in the amnesty for illegal immigration (more Democrat votes) and the open border policy that will come with it and the USA will no longer exist.

An Entertaining Read

or How to Piss-off a Marxist

Fundamental right denied.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tired of the Shit

I'm tired of hearing about the asses in DC, who hate this country, attempting to turn us into another USSR. I guess they've decided to ignore the fact that most of us don't want it, and that their ideals have proven as failures where, and whenever tried. This constitutional republic was originally considered as an experiment. Well the experiment was a tremendous success, that is until the asses started messing with it.

A lot of talking heads say to fight with our voice, our vote, and not our guns. Personally I think we've ignore the situation far too long. We're not even close to the country that has been so great in the past, and I don't see a way to keep from falling off the cliff. Socialism, statistism, communism or some other bad 'ism is here for the long hall.

Throughout my life I've been successful in taking care of my family and myself, by myself, without and in spite of governments help. Apparently that is coming to an end. Thanks to government interference I will probably never be able to retire. Our wonderful government screwed me by interfering. Now it looks like I'm about to get screwed again.

I've been trying to ignore the news this weekend because I just don't feel like getting pissed and depressed. I did visit one blog. See the post below. I think I'll just turn off the news and ignore all blogs for a day or two. Mental health has some importance, at least to the Boss.

Tort Reform? ? - Health Care

From Alphecca
. . . if the Democrats are so determined to control health care costs, why is it that the most important factor driving costs up over the past years — tort reform — isn’t addressed at all?

Not a chance. Don't most politicians have law degrees?

Yes, excessive and greedy lawsuits have a lot to do with rising health care costs, but so does high end coverage where people tie up doctor time with nothing more than the sniffles. Then throw in the aging population and we have high demand with low supply. The medical profession is must likely now having troubles making ends meet if Medicaid patients are any percentage of the customer base.

I see Tort reform as the only way to at least partially control the rising cost of health care, and that's not likely to happen. The population growth is flat. The elderly are becoming a large part of the population. And social programs REQUIRE an increasing population to keep from bankrupting any country. For instance, Social Security is now paying out more than received.

I don't see anything that will keep health care costs from rising, short of cutting off the elderly. Besides it's not really about health care costs at all. It's about controlling The People. As usual they've managed to define the topic away from the real agenda. Obama said he wanted to radically redefine the country. And wasn't it Pelosie who said something about not letting a good emergency or catastrophe go to waste?

Keep your powder dry.

Friday, March 19, 2010

That Just Bites

Click on picture to enlarge.
I got this via e-mail.
I'm surprised the place hasn't been burned down.
Yes Mr. President IT-IS-A-WAR ! ! !

Painful to Let Go

When I got home from work today I felt exhausted. Even the Boss noticed how tired I was. After dinner, before doing my nightly kitchen clean-up we sat and watched a rerun of a hospital show. Now I've traded being tired for very sad memories and a bit of loneliness.

In the show a family had to make the decision to let the father pass. It was a very hard decision to allow a loved one to go, despite the heavy loss to the survivors. It's very difficult to over rule your own personal pain and selfishness, and think of the other.

I've been part of the same decision on 2 occasions concerning my mother and father. The Boss has been party to the same just once, her mother. It's excruciatingly painful to make that decision even when in your heart it's the right decision.

In the show, one son said that he doesn't know how to live in a world without his dad. I know exactly how he feels. My dad left a hole that can't be filled. On occasions I still talk to my dad, and I'd like to think he's still out there somewhere listening.

I strive to be half the husband, father and man that he was in this world.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

We're Screwed

Yesterdays local rag had an article stating that we've now reached the point where Social Security spends more than it collects. For decades the Fed has included SS taxes in the general tax fund, and created IOUs for the SS accounts. Contrary to what older folks like my father-in-law thinks, there hasn't been a SS fund for decades. The Fed has stolen our money (taxes), and then stolen it again.

Not only will the ever larger government and the new entitlement program (health care) cost us more money, now we add expanding SS expenditures with a shrinking workforce. Something has to give on this folks. And you can bet it won't be the Fed. We're screwed and so are our children.

If only we actually had a free market society.

Got a New Tool

at work that is. They bought a new Lenovo (IBM??) with 8Gb of ram and outfitted with 2 wide screen monitors. Damn it's nice. I can have a solid model on the left screen and drawings, e-mail, etc on the right screen. I can even have 2 solid models, one on each screen. I feel spoiled.

The boss, not to be confused with the Boss, asked today if I have the FEA (finite element analysis) software yet. When I answered negative, he said he'll take care of it. I can see stress analysis, modal analysis (natural frequency) and forced response analysis in my future. In the interim I've been taking care of issues that only require experience based knowledge.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Worth The Risk

I just received an alert from The NRA, ILA about the introduction of the federal senate bill S. 2820. They claim that this bill would effectively create a national gun registry. Doesn't it seem like those opposed to the Constitution never rest? There's so many that don't like this country. Why don't they move to a country that they like, a country they wish this was?

As for gun registry, if you've ever bought a gun from a dealer, then you're just an inspection away from being on the gun owners list. If you have a CCW, you're on a list. If you're a member of an organization like the NRA, GOA or USCCA, you're just a step away from being on the governments list. I'd bet that just about every gun owner in the country is now on a government list or just a few hours from being put on a list. If it ever comes down to the SHTF, we're all identified as enemies of Big Gov with almost no exceptions.

As for me I don't care if I'm on a list. If I did, I wouldn't be a member of the NRA and the USCCA. I wouldn't have gotten my 2 concealed carry licenses, and I'd never have bought a gun from a dealer. If the time should ever come, I don't care if they know who I am.

I will never register my guns. I will never register myself, like a prised cow, as a gun owner as they now do in Illinois. And I will not get a national ID card as another bill would require. (Mark of the beast?) My drivers license and passport are enough of an identification. If they demand any of the above, they can damn well stuff it up their collective asses.

My father-in-law once asked me about gun confiscation (primarily battle rifles). "Is an ideal worth the risk of going to jail or dying?" Other than the protection of my family, there's nothing more worthy of the risk.

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Whole Bunch of Iron

Data released by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reported 1,243,211 checks in February 2010, ranking the month the second highest February (eighth highest month overall) for most NICS checks.


Via e-mail

"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California, but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I'm not bragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine, even comes close. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, we're number one. There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on 'Macbeth'. The three of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words."
--columnist Burt Prelutsky , LA Times

Could it be that the three witches actually represent the masses in Ca?

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I'm so disgusted at the whole mess that I've run out of bad things to say. Maybe we'll all get lucky and both coast lines will suddenly fall into the ocean.
That's all for now.


Work is going OK, but I've been a bit frustrated this week.

I spent 3 days fixing a 3D model assembly and resolving dimensional inconsistencies between the model, 2D drawings and the hardware that has been built and is being used. This was done by a co-op student from a local engineering school, who's not there anymore. In the future I should be working with the co-op ME so I can teach some attention to details like functional dimensioning and tolerances.

Then the Chem E I'm assigned to help, keeps changing his mind on what's required and the priorities of the work I'm doing for him. He's one of those over-the-top intelligent individuals who tends to be a bit scattered in his thought processes. With a little more time and trust on his part, I think we'll be able to be more efficient. In the interim I'll be exercising my patience a bit more than I would like. I really shouldn't complain very much because he's the guy that wanted me over the other applicants.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How Long ??

My last employer moved the entire operation out of state, and merged it into another business unit last fall. For various reasons I thought, and still think that was a bad business decision. They screwed up the only profitable division during this "recession".

Rumor has it that the payback time frame for the cost of the move is about 40 years. Sounds like a decision the federal government would make doesn't it?

Temporary Employment

My present place of employment is actually paying an agency that then pays me for my time. The agency gets a cut, but I suspect that it's still cheaper for the company where I'm working than if they hired me direct. In this way they're more flexible with manpower, don't pay any benefits, and if they get rid of someone there's no dealing with unemployment payments to the state.

It seems (though I don't know for sure) that the lower skilled spots are entirely agency supplied temporaries. They stay about 3 months, and are then let go. If someone is still needed another Temp is brought in. Other skill levels are probably open ended.

In my case the arrangement is open ended. There isn't a duration to hire or let me go, at least not to my knowledge. They bought and installed a high end computer for me to use, and so I suspect that so long as I'm doing a good job my temporary status will last quite a while. I also suspect there will be no offer to hire me, regardless of the job I do, until I get offered a position elsewhere.

I don't know how many are working there this way, but I suspect it's around 30% of the workforce. I'd wager that any company that can do things this way are doing it now and into the foreseeable future.

Rope, Tree and Some Assembly

Since the establishment media is convinced that tea party members, 9/11 truthers, libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, and basically anyone with a dissenting political opinion is a likely domestic terrorist, they should be celebrating the fact that a new bill would allow the government to detain such people as “enemy belligerents” indefinitely and without trial based on their “suspected activity”.

The “Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010,” introduced by Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman on Thursday with little fanfare, “sets out a comprehensive policy for the detention, interrogation and trial of suspected enemy belligerents who are believed to have engaged in hostilities against the United States by requiring these individuals to be held in military custody, interrogated for their intelligence value and not provided with a Miranda warning,” writes the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder.

However, according to the bill, an individual doesn’t even have to pose a threat to be snatched, detained and interrogated – they can merely be deemed to be of “potential intelligence value” or come under the vague and sweeping mandate of “such other matters as the President considers appropriate”.

This last designation hands Obama dictator powers to have any American citizen kidnapped, detained, and interrogated on a whim.

Since the beginning, the USA has been held high as the last chance for an individual to live in liberty. Well, the last chance is coming to and end. Tyranny is on the front porch and knocking with authority. All it takes is for good men to do nothing.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Shoot the Engineers

I've often said that if we're left alone, we'll absolutely never complete any project. We engineers need sales, or somebody, to put pressure on us to declare it's good enough.

There Comes a Time in the History of Every Project
When It Becomes Necessary to Shoot the Engineers
And Begin Production
I stole that from Kevin.

At The Range

The eldest son twisted my arm very, very hard and convinced me to go to the range with him yesterday. There must have been a lot of cabin fever this winter because the place was packed. Every position was occupied, from 7 yards to 200 yards. We managed to get one position to share at the 25 yard range, to start. After a few hours we managed to move on down to the long range area.

Apparently my neglect of the long guns has had an effect. AT 200 yards I was pushing my shots about half a clay bird to the right with the sporterized 6.5mm Swedish Mauser.

And then the batteries were dead in the holosight on the AR. Naturally my spares were also dead, so I used the flip up iron sights. That's why they're there, I guess.

Friday, March 5, 2010

A Little Humor

A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband was not in their bed.

She puts on her dressing gown and goes downstarirs to look for him.

She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of coffee in front of him. He appears to be deep in thought, just staring at the wall.

She watches as he wipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his coffee.

"What's the matter, dear?" she whispers as she steps into the room, "Why are you down here at this time of night?"

The husband looks up from his coffee, "I am just remembering when we first me 20 years ago and start dating. you were only 16. Do you remember back then?" he says solemnly.

The wife is touched to tears thinking that her husband is so caring, so sensitive.

'Yes, I do' she replies.

The husband pauses. The words were not coming easily.

"Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car?"

"Yes, I remember!" said the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him.

The husband continues "Do you remember when he shoved the shotgun in my face and said, 'Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years'?"

"I remember that too" she replies softly.

He wipes another tear from his cheek and says...

"I would have been released today."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Who's The Boss

We now have close to 200,000 citizens in Ohio that are licensed to carry a concealed hand gun. That's approximately 2% of the population. Have we had increased violent crime? No. Has violent crime decreased? I don't know but I have my doubts, at least where I live, but nationally violent crime is decreasing according to the FBI report. And nationally gun ownership and concealed carry licensing has been increasing.

It seems that the citizens of the various states are exercising their rights, and their freedom. The various state governments understand who they get their pay from. I wish the Fed understood who their bosses are.


Boiling Over

The excuse for the up-coming Fed takeover of our health care is to reduce the runaway costs. How in the hell do they plan on doing that? Our population is getting old and old people require more care. We will have fewer people that will be earning to pay for government expenditures, at lower wages, with more riding on their shirt tails sucking that money away. Medical expenses have to go up as a percentage. I see no way around it, unless older people start dying sooner.

We're a country in bankruptcy. Our expenditures are well in excess of our income, and the future looks even worse. It's time we started looking out for ourselves. It's time to stop giving money to other countries and lining the pockets of those governments.

Let's close all of our overseas military bases. Let those countries protect themselves. We can use those resources to protect our borders from illegal entry.

Let's stop trying to rebuild everything after we've destroyed it when protecting ourselves. Bomb the shit out of those that attacked us. If others get in the way and homes are destroyed, too damn bad. If Osama is located, even generally, level the entire area and go home.

Stop spending money on space exploration, except for keeping some satellites functional. The payback is too small for the investment, and we just can't afford it at this time.

Increase the exploitation of our own natural resources. The technology is now such that it's environmentally friendly. Even if it wasn't, we can't afford to keep paying others for fuel, and we can't afford the time and expense to develop other technologies.

OK, I've now cooled down a little.

Donkey Turds - All

All reports are that the Wicked Witch of The House is trying to convince her fellow Dems to back Obama-Health regardless of the consequences to their careers, and regardless of what The People want.

So we're getting more of the WE Know Better Than You BS from the far left. What an arrogant pile of donkey turds we have in DC these days.